Social Security registers 2,806,557 foreign affiliates in July, 13.5% of the total number of workers

Aug 20, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

Four sectors grew by more than 10% in the last year, led by Electricity, Gas, Steam and Air Conditioning Supply, which grew by 11.2%, and Health Care and Central Services Activities (10.7%).

The Social Security registered 2,806,557 foreign affiliates in July, after discounting seasonality and the calendar effect, after adding 5,302 employed persons. The number of foreign workers continues at record highs.

Since December 2019, before the impact of the pandemic, the system has recorded an increase of 644,158 workers from other countries, i.e. almost 30% more.

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Social Security registers 2,806,557 foreign affiliates in July, 13.5% of the total number of workers

In average terms and without seasonal adjustment, i.e. in the original series, Social Security registered 2,892,763 affiliates from other countries, an increase of 197,523 in the last year.

The daily register of foreign affiliates remained above 2.9 million between 15 and 18 July, and for the rest of the month, above 2.8 million.

Average enrolment
Average enrolment stood in July at 2,892,763 employed persons, 197,523 more in the last twelve months (7.3%), the second-best figure since data has been available. Thus, the percentage of foreign workers out of the total number of people affiliated with the Social Security system stands at 13.5% in the original series.

Of these, 31.8% are workers from European Union countries. Of all the nationalities, Romania is the country with the highest number of workers, followed by Morocco, Colombia, Italy, Venezuela and China.

Of the total number of people affiliated from other countries, around 1.6 million are men and the number of foreign women is close to 1.3 million, having grown by 34% since before the pandemic, exceeding the increase among men.

More than 70,000 Ukrainian members
Among other nationalities, there are 72,205 members from Ukraine, 24,946 more than in January 2022, when the war had not yet started, representing a growth of 52.8%.

The majority of workers from Ukraine, about 85%, are in the General Regime (salaried workers) and 15.3% are self-employed.

Regimes and sectors
Overall, 84% of foreign affiliates were in the General Regime, with 2,429,100 workers. The proportion is similar to that of all workers, around 84% are also included in this General Regime.

In the last 12 months, four sectors of activity grew by more than 10%: Electricity, Gas, Steam and Air Conditioning Supply, which grew by 11.2%; Health Care and Central Services Activities (10.7%), Administrative and Supporting Activities (10.7%) and Transport and Storage (10.4%). Other sectors such as Financial and Insurance Activities (9.9%), Construction (9.6%), Hotels and Restaurants (9.5%), Artistic Activities (9.3%) and Trade (9.2%) also grew particularly strongly.

High value-added activities
This year-on-year growth is also very notable in high value-added activities where notable growth is observed in sectors such as Information and Communications, which increased by 7.2% and in Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities, with an increase in the last year of 6%.

By activity, workers from other countries account for more than 20% of the total number of affiliates in sectors such as: Activities of Extra-territorial Organisations and Bodies (28.7%), Hotels and Catering (29%), Agriculture, Livestock, Forestry and Fishing (24.2%), and Construction (20.8%). In the Special Household System, 45% are foreign workers, and in the Special Agricultural System, 33.7%.

The Self-Employed Scheme accounted for 457,438 contributors of other nationalities, i.e. more than 13.5% of the total number of self-employed workers. In the last year, foreign affiliates in this scheme have increased by 7.6%.