Agri-food and fisheries exports increased by 3% in 2023 and exceeded 70 billion euros for the first time

Aug 21, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The positive balance of the agri-food and fisheries sector reached 15.472 billion euros in 2023, 10% more than in the previous year.

Agri-food and fisheries exports recorded an all-time high of 70,431 million euros in 2023, with a balance that recovered from the previous year’s decline and grew by 10 % to 15,472 million euros. The data are reflected in the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food’s Annual Foreign Trade Report 2023, which has been published on the website.

This report is a detailed and updated analysis of the main magnitudes and indicators, which provide in-depth knowledge of the current situation of foreign trade in the agri-food and fisheries sector, based on provisional data for the year 2023 from the Customs and Excise Department of the State Tax Administration Agency.

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Agri-food and fisheries exports increased by 3% in 2023

In 2023, the effects on the European and world economy due to the conflict between Russia and Ukraine continued. In this scenario, still characterised by high international commodity prices, which fell throughout the year, exports in the Spanish economy as a whole fell by 1%. However, the agri-food and fisheries sector performed differently from most other economic sectors and recorded an increase of 3 % concerning 2022, to exceed 70 billion euros for the first time.

In terms of imports, they fell by 7.6% in 2023 for the economy as a whole. In the agri-food sector, on the other hand, they increased by 1.2 % to 54,959 million euros.

In line with previous data, while the trade balance (exports minus imports) recovered from the decline in 2022 and increased by 10 %, totalling 15,472 million euros.

The important role played by the agri-food and fisheries sector in Spain’s foreign trade is reflected in the fact that its exports accounted for 18.4% of the economy’s total, compared to 13% of its imports.

About the main exporting subsectors in 2023:

In terms of economic importance, the meat group ranks first with 10,299 million euros, followed by fruit with 9,977 million euros and vegetables with 8,864 million euros.
The meat and fish preparations group is the one with the highest increase in exports compared to 2022, with an increase of 10.9% and a total exported value of 2,458 million euros. It is followed by the vegetables and pulses group, which has increased by 9.9 % with an export value of 8,864 million euros.
Exports in the beverages group have remained stable.
67.4 % of exports in 2023 went to the European Union, with an increase of 8.2 % compared to 2022.