The Government has already mobilised 80,745 dwellings under the Affordable Rental Housing Plan

Aug 22, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The Ministry of Housing and the Urban Agenda has implemented 59,879 homes, almost 50% of the target set. Through the Recovery Plan alone, more than 24,000 homes have been mobilised through more than 550 agreements with autonomous communities and local entities.

The Spanish Government has already mobilised 80,745 homes under the Affordable Rental Housing Plan, which aims to provide 184,000 homes for social rental or at affordable prices. The figure was reached just over a year after the launch of this Plan, highlighting the Programme to build social or affordable rental housing in energy-efficient buildings of the Recovery Plan, which has exceeded its expectations by more than 20% over what was agreed with the European Commission.

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The Government has already mobilised 80,745 dwellings under the Affordable Rental Housing Plan

In total, the Ministry of Housing and the Urban Agenda already has more than 59,879 homes for social rental in various stages of development, in addition to the 14,000 homes made available by Sareb and the 10,411 activated by the Social Fund.

Affordable Rental Programme
The Ministry of Housing and the Urban Agenda is leading five programmes to help achieve the goal of raising some 184,000 homes for social rent or at affordable prices throughout Spain. This figure includes the 50,000 homes to be mobilised by Sareb and the 11,000 from the Social Fund.

Specifically, the ministry’s initial objective is to make some 123,040 social housing units available to the public through the Recovery Plan – NextGenerationEU European Recovery Funds, the State Housing Plan, the Public Land Business Entity (SEPES) and agreements with local entities.

The programmes promoted by Housing include the agreement with the Ministry of Defence to buy eight million square metres of unused land through SEPES and build some 20,000 homes; the new line of ICO loans of 4 billion euros from the European funds of the Recovery Plan for the construction and rehabilitation of up to 43,000 public and private homes to be rented. 43,000 public and private housing units for social rental, in addition to the line of ICO guarantees of 2 billion euros for these loans; the programme to build social or affordable rental housing in energy-efficient buildings under the Recovery Plan, aid to the autonomous communities under the State Housing Plan and agreements with local authorities.

Programme for the construction of social rental housing
The Programme of aid for the construction of social rental housing in energy-efficient buildings aimed to build 20,000 homes with an investment of 1,000 million euros.

The Spanish Government has formalised a total of 556 agreements with autonomous communities and local entities for the construction of 24,283 homes, with a total investment of 966,184,614.57 euros.

The 24,283 homes have been signed with the 17 autonomous communities and 2 autonomous cities, and are distributed as follows: 3,743 in Andalusia, 790 in Aragon, 566 in Asturias, 1,054 in the Canary Islands, 285 in Cantabria, 865 in Castile-La Mancha, 1,241 in Castile and Leon, 5,580 in Catalonia, 29 in Ceuta, 3. 441 in the Community of Madrid, 320 in Navarre, 2,041 in the case of the Community of Valencia, 477 in Extremadura, 1,140 in the Basque Country, 752 in the Balearic Islands, 1,217 in Galicia, 125 in La Rioja, 569 in Murcia and 48 in Melilla.

Through this aid plan, the Ministry of Housing and the Urban Agenda aims to finance the increase in the public housing stock for social rental or at an affordable price, through new developments on publicly owned land. These homes will form part of the public housing stock for a minimum period of 50 years and their non-renewable primary energy consumption must be at least 20% lower than the requirements of the Technical Building Code. The works must be completed by 30 June 2026.

SEPES mobilises 16,780 dwellings
By agreement of the Council of Ministers on 9 May 2023, it was approved to allocate up to 8.25 million m2 of public land owned by the Ministry of Defence in disuse to boost urban development and the promotion of affordable housing. Specifically, it was approved that the Ministry of Housing and Urban Agenda, through SEPES, would acquire this land from Defence to build an estimated 20,000 affordable housing units in 34 municipalities in 14 autonomous communities and in Ceuta and Melilla.

SEPES has so far mobilised 16,780 of these homes, including Campamento (Madrid), which will involve the construction of 10,700 homes, 60% of which will be public housing and whose development project has already been registered with the Madrid City Council.

SEPES has also registered with Malaga City Council the project for the development of the company’s land in the Buenavista neighbourhood, to promote 1,400 affordable housing units, thanks to a project worth almost 34 million euros.

The State Housing Plans have mobilised more than 8,000 homes
The Ministry, through the different programmes that make up the State Housing Plans 2018-2021 and 2022-2025, has already launched the construction of more than 8,000 homes.

For their construction, the Spanish Government has allocated more than 220 million euros from these two state plans through more than 300 agreements with the autonomous communities and local entities.