The six refuges of the Consell de Mallorca network reopen their doors after the holidays

Aug 22, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The season kicks off with indicators showing a 55% increase in bookings between now and the end of the year.

The six shelters that are part of the network of the Consell de Mallorca reopen their doors, after fifteen days of closure for holidays, with indicators that reflect an occupancy of more than 5,246 places reserved for the remaining months of the year, compared to the 3,502 registered last year.

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The six refuges of the Consell de Mallorca network reopen their doors after the holidays

The occupancy forecasts predict an increase in bookings of 55% for the remainder of the year, compared to the same period in 2023, so everything indicates that the figures for last year’s excursionists will be exceeded.

Specifically, for September, there are 1,795 bookings of hikers, a figure that rises to 2,008 occupied places for October.

The second vice-president and councillor for the Environment, Rural Affairs and Sports, Pedro Bestard, stated that ‘our network of refuges is highly valued by hikers who walk some of the stages of the Pedra en Sec route and stop at any of the establishments to spend the night and regain their strength. We are committed to continuing to offer the excellent service provided in the hostels to the hikers who visit them.

The high season is in autumn, from September to November, with a peak of users in October, which means that these facilities are expected to be close to full in those months.
The network of refuges managed by the Consell de Mallorca is made up of six establishments: So n’Amer, Tossals Verds, Muleta, Can Boi, Pont Romà and Galatzó, located on public estates and offering a total capacity of 332 places.