Work on the extension of Manacor Hospital is progressing at a good pace and the construction of the structure of the outpatient building has been completed

Aug 22, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The outpatient building will be ready in the first quarter of 2025.

The extension works of the Manacor Hospital are progressing at a good pace and the construction of the structure of the outpatient building has already been completed and will be finished in the first quarter of 2025. The Master Plan for the Manacor Hospital, which involves an investment of 59 million euros, contemplates the construction of a new outpatient building, a facilities or industrial building and a new surgical and obstetric block.

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Work on the extension of Manacor Hospital is progressing at a good pace and the construction of the structure of the outpatient building has been completed.

At the moment, work on the outpatient building is the most advanced. The structure is finished and the entire façade has already been covered. This building consists of the ground floor and three floors, plus two basements for parking 280 vehicles. The ground floor will house the haemodialysis and rehabilitation services; the outpatient and examination rooms will be on the first and first floors, and the oncology day hospital will occupy the third floor, where there will also be a direct connection to the current hospital building. The plumbing, electricity, fire protection and sanitation systems, among others, are currently being installed. The outpatient building occupies a total of 21,273 m2.

The industrial building will house the central facilities, maintenance equipment and general services. It is planned that all the equipment will be installed to bring it into line with current regulations and increase capacity to service the new areas. Work on this area is expected to be completed by the end of 2024.

This project also includes the construction of a new floor where the surgical block and the ICU will be installed, the remodelling of the current surgical floor and the obstetric block as well as the interior refurbishment of spaces in the current building (14,226 m2: 4,586 m2 of extension and 9,640 m2 of refurbishment).

The process of remodelling and reforming the spaces in the current building will be the most complex intervention from the technical point of view, as it must be carried out in such a way as to interfere as little as possible with the activity of the hospital.

On the other hand, it is planned to carry out the basic project for the new car park, which has a surface area of 12,072 m2. This action will be carried out in the parking area that does not have solar panels and in the plots owned by the Health Service. The project will involve the improvement of access and circulation as well as the extension with 228 parking spaces. Once the new car park and the new outpatient building are completed, there will be approximately 1,000 parking spaces.

When completed, the hospital will have 53,445 m2, more than double the current area (24,531 m2).

Work is progressing at a good pace. There is constant monitoring and coordination to ensure that completion targets are met. The Manacor Hospital Works Commission meets weekly to monitor the works.

These works will benefit a population of 155,000 people.

The Manacor Hospital Master Plan is part of the Health Service Infrastructure Plan 2024-2027, which foresees an investment of 435 million euros in health infrastructure over the next four years.