Graffiti artists denounced for infringing the Law on Citizen Security in Palma

Aug 17, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

Citizen collaboration activated the police service
Painting graffiti carries a fine of 600 euros plus civil liability.

The local police reported a graffiti artist who, in the company of two other individuals, was painting graffiti on a façade located in the area of the Plaza del Cardenal Reig.
At around 01.00 hours on 15 August, the 092 room of the Local Police was informed that three individuals were graffitiing in the Plaza del Cardenal Reig.

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Graffiti artists denounced for infringing the Law on Citizen Security in Palma

Following this information, a team from the Night Unit went to the area where they observed the presence of three youths, one of whom was writing graffiti on the barrier of an establishment. On noticing the presence of the officers, this young man tried to hide the bag containing 3 spray cans of different colours in an adjoining doorway. In addition, the officers found that of the three young men identified, he was the only one whose hands were stained with paint, so no action was taken on the other two.

The graffiti artist, 26 years old and of Argentinean nationality, has been reported for infringing the Law of Public Safety and defacement of real estate, for which he faces a maximum fine of 600 euros, which could be increased by the civil liability that the injured party may claim.
The local police pay special attention to the control and monitoring of graffiti artists. It is noteworthy that among these actions, the Local Police identified three youths as the authors of several vandalism graffiti in the streets of Manacor, Llucmajor and Joan Maragall. The officers found that these graffiti artists may also have painted graffiti on train carriages and street furniture in Madrid.
For its part, since the beginning of the legislature, EMAYA has cleaned nearly 6,000 graffiti in Ciutat, a thousand of them located in emblematic places and ‘blackspots’ such as Plaça del Olivar, Costa de Sant Domingo, Mercat de Pere Garau, carrer Sindicat, Plaça del Tub or carrer Bonaire.
In addition, in the last four months, the municipal cleaning company has also acted on the façades of 92 private buildings at the request of the owners’ associations. It should be noted that EMAYA applies a very affordable price if you wish to have a private property cleaned of graffiti.