Catalina Martorell Castelló, exhibits at the III Commemoration of the World Day of Photography by Unesco, on August 19, 2024

Aug 17, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

Catalina Martorell Castelló, exhibits at the III Commemoration of the World Day of Photography by Unesco

The Cultural Exchange Association of Mallorca, Unesco Centre, the City Council of Binissalem and Rosa Maria Cuerda Riutort from

Lloseta Magazine, Sa Revista de Selva, Moscari, Caimari, Biniamar, Binibona and Escorca, along with TDB Inca Magazine, organize the III Edition commemorating the World Day of Photography by Unesco, in Binissalem.

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Catalina Martorell Castelló
Catalina Martorell Castelló

Catalina Martorell Castelló

Thus, on Monday 19 August 2023, at 17.00h we can attend in Binissalem, the Inauguration in Can Gelabert, of the III Commemoration of the World Day of Photography by Unesco. The exhibition can be visited from the 19th to the 26th of August 2024, in Can Gelabert in Binissalem.

The III Commemoration of the World Day of Photography by Unesco is dedicated this year 2024 to photographs taken by amateur and beginner photographers. The central theme is Binissalem’s participation as a representative of the municipalities of the Balearic Islands in the national Grand Prix competition, Fil-loxera de l’Infern, along with the Elements exhibition. In this way, Binissalem pays tribute to its people and its environment.

This 3rd Commemoration of the World Day of Photography by Unesco, allows us to delight in different photographs that show the most endearing moments experienced by the participants and organisers from the moment the news is given to the town until the participation of Binissalem as a representative of the municipalities of the Balearic Islands, in the programme broadcast on 12 August 2024.

This commemoration is accompanied by the Elements Exhibition, in which the four elements are represented.
Empedocles imagined a complex physical model: the perceptible world was explained by combining the four material elements: Earth, Water, Air and Fire.
The four elements of nature, Earth, Water, Air and Fire, were, for many ancient doctrines, the basic constituents of matter and explained the behaviour of the physical world.

This year the llosetina Catalina Martorell Rosselló is one of the privileged ones who will exhibit in the III Commemoration of the World Day of Photography by Unesco.

Catalina Martorell Castelló

She will represent the element Fire. Different creations on canvas, bring us closer to the passion for life, in its multiple slopes.
Love is a fire that burns in the heart
Love is represented as a fire burning in the heart, transmitting the passion and intensity of loving feelings.

We now meet Catalina Martorell first-hand.
Name and surname
Catalina Martorell Castelló.
50 years old.
Place of birth
School and studies completed
La Salle, Inca – EGB and CP1.
Marital status
Divorced, with one daughter.

At the moment I am unemployed, and I have to start vocational training in pastry making.

What do you need to make a living?
I try to dedicate time to myself, my daughter and painting.
To the people I love. I am active in doing different activities and always surrounded by the people I love.

Tell us about your hobbies.
Colouring and cooking (especially baking).
In addition to transmitting emotions through its content and composition, painting also has the power to evoke emotions in the viewer. When faced with a painting that strikes us, we can experience a variety of emotions, from joy and wonder to sadness and melancholy.

What is your source of inspiration?
Any book, film or song. Also everyday life. Almost everything inspires me.
Which creation are you most proud of?

The series of works ‘Blank Mind’ and ‘The Power of the Mind’.

Where can we see your work?
My works are a means of communication that transmits ideas and thoughts, where the different colours and shapes provoke feelings and emotions that lead to a different interpretation, for each viewer, of what I want to communicate.
You can find them in the theatre of Lloseta, on Instagram and in different exhibitions.

How do we contact you if we are interested in your creations?
Through my Instagram account (catimartorell) and email (