The filming of Katy Perry’s video in Ibiza had not requested authorisation from the Conselleria for the filming

Aug 18, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The Directorate General for the Natural Environment points out that, in any case, there can be no question of a ‘crime against the environment’, as the filming of photographic or video reports ‘can be authorised’.

Given the numerous reports that are emerging about the alleged infractions committed by the company responsible for filming the video of the artist Katy Perry in the Parc Natural de Ses Salines, the Agriculture, Fisheries and Natural Environment Department wishes to clarify that in no case has the production company requested authorisation from the Conselleria to carry out the filming, and that is why preliminary investigation proceedings have been initiated.

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Katy Perry’s video in Ibiza

However, in no case would this be an offence for environmental infringement, since, as stated in point 2 of article 65 of the Natural Resources Management Plan (PORN), ‘The filming of photographic reports is a crime against the environment, since, as stated in point 2 of article 65 of the Natural Resources Management Plan (PORN), ’The filming of photographic reports is a crime against the environment: ‘The filming of photographic, cinematographic, videographic or any other type of report involving the taking of images with any medium and format for the purpose of advertising or commercial exhibition requires the express authorisation of the competent regional ministry for the environment, without prejudice to other authorisations that may be granted by the corresponding authorities and bodies, including those relevant to property rights’.