Manela Gràcia Marín, exhibits at the III Commemoration of the World Day of Photography by Unesco, on 19 August 2024

Aug 18, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

Manela Gràcia Marín, exhibits at the III Commemoration of the World Day of Photography by Unesco, on 19 August 2024.

The Cultural Exchange Association of Mallorca, Unesco Centre, the City Council of Binissalem and Rosa Maria Cuerda Riutort from Lloseta Magazine, Sa Revista de Selva, Moscari, Caimari, Biniamar, Binibona and Escorca, along with TDB Inca Magazine, organize the III Edition commemorating the World Day of Photography by Unesco, in Binissalem.

Manela Gràcia Marín
Manela Gràcia Marín

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Manela Gràcia Marín

Thus, on Monday 19 August 2023, at 17.00h we can attend in Binissalem, the Inauguration in Can Gelabert, of the III Commemoration of the World Day of Photography by Unesco. The exhibition can be visited from the 19th to the 26th of August 2024, in Can Gelabert in Binissalem.

The III Commemoration of the World Day of Photography by Unesco is dedicated this year 2024 to photographs taken by amateur and beginner photographers. The central theme is Binissalem’s participation as a representative of the municipalities of the Balearic Islands in the national Grand Prix competition, Fil-loxera de l’Infern, along with the Elements exhibition. In this way, Binissalem pays tribute to its people and its environment.

Manela Gràcia Marín
Manela Gràcia Marín

This 3rd Commemoration of the World Day of Photography by Unesco, allows us to delight in different photographs that show the most endearing moments experienced by the participants and organisers from the moment the news is given to the town until the participation of Binissalem as a representative of the municipalities of the Balearic Islands, in the programme broadcast on 12 August 2024.

This commemoration is accompanied by the Elements Exhibition, in which the four elements are represented.
Empedocles imagined a complex physical model: the perceptible world was explained by combining the four material elements: Earth, Water, Air and Fire.

Manela Gràcia Marín
Manela Gràcia Marín

The four elements of nature, Earth, Water, Air and Fire, were, for many ancient doctrines, the basic constituents of matter and explained the behaviour of the physical world.

This year the llosetina Manela Gràcia Marín is one of the privileged ones who will be exhibiting at the III Commemoration of the World Day of Photography by Unesco.

Manela Gràcia Marín, will represent the element Water. Different pieces of furniture, restored by her students, belonging to the 20th century, representative of the trades and uses of the Balearic Islands, will return to modernity. Water, its element, reflects the Mediterranean, which will be the Network.

Water is an indispensable part of the history of philosophy and the rites of millenary cultures and religions confirm this: in all of them, water is a symbol of life, purification and hope, values that are a common denominator that unites us and that we should take much more into account.

Let’s get to know Manela Gràcia Marín first hand.
She can be found teaching catering classes at Sa Mina, in Lloseta. Born in Valencia, she studied Design at the Balearic School of Design, Interior Design and Furniture Restoration.
and Furniture Restoration. She has told us that her day-to-day life is: ‘housewife, looks after my mother, experiments and tries out different techniques, combined with her work’.

What is the material thing you can’t stop living with?
Without doing something creative.

Restorer, designer and decorator

What does furniture restoration consist of?
Fixing up what is useless and giving it a new life. Dedicating time and work to a restored object that we will place in a space in your home that will be worth a lot from that moment on.
You bring back to life an object that you did not value and that was hidden. They become jewels.

Can anyone restore a piece of furniture?
Yes, with good guidance and pointers. It takes patience and perseverance

Does restoring furniture get you hooked?
Yes, you get hooked from the very first moment. It is a slow process that gives you a lot of satisfaction. We look for strategies so that you don’t despair and continue.
You get hooked by the desire to see the finished piece of furniture.

What do you do with a piece of furniture of little value?
We use recovery techniques and give it a different look.
When you restore it, we leave it with its natural look.
With recycled furniture, we transform it completely. Some are from another era, they were forgotten, we recover them, using different techniques and they become unique and special piece.

How does the furniture you restore come to you?
Some people inherit them, others buy them at flea markets or foundations, and some people find them. It depends on the furniture and the people who want to give it another life.

When did it start? In October and ends in June

How many students are there?
There are shifts of 6 people. This way we can give you a more complete attention.

What do I have to do if I want to start the course?
You have to contact me

Price per year, per month?
30 euros per month, plus the material and the piece to be restored that the students have to bring with them.
We use ecological materials, synthetic lacquers, and antiques.
I can be reached by phone on 619 67 43 43 21

What has been the most difficult piece you have had to restore?

It depends, sometimes a small object can be very laborious and a very large one can be easier.
When planning a piece of recycled furniture it is necessary to make a project of what you want.
With the old piece of furniture, it should look as it was.

What do you have on your hands now?
What has lasted the longest has been a piece of furniture that we have had to do all the marquetry inlays.