CAPDI has carried out 23,470 interventions since it came into service fifteen years ago

Aug 23, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

In 2023 it attended to 3,902 cases

The Coordinating Centre for Primary Care for Child Development (CAPDI) has carried out 23,470 interventions with children and young people under the age of eighteen since it came into service fifteen years ago, to coordinate and manage health resources to improve the quality of life of children and young people under the age of eighteen with a developmental disorder or at risk of suffering one, and also that of their families. The CAPDI team consists of a paediatrician, a paediatric nurse and an administrative assistant.

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CAPDI has carried out 23,470 interventions since it came into service fifteen years ago

This centre created and manages the Register of Care for Child Development, Chronic Illnesses and Mental Health in Minors, which provides information on the annual prevalence of cases of neurodevelopmental disorder in the Balearic Islands; according to data recorded at the end of 2023, at that time there were 18,457 cases, representing a prevalence of 8.17%.

This is the breakdown of CAPDI’s activity over the past year:

-Case management (cases managed with the different professionals involved and with their families): 3,902 cases.
-CAPDI mailbox (support and advice to professionals in primary care teams): 124 interventions.
Face-to-face care (children and their families attended in person): 679 cases.

The most frequent reasons for consultation in the early stages are psychomotor delay, delay in language acquisition, altered communication and socialisation, prematurity, adoptions, sensory deficit, intellectual disability and already diagnosed pathologies (genetic, neurological, etc.).

The CAPDI team assesses the family impact of having a son or daughter with a neurodevelopmental disorder, which can lead to a disability, and keeps them in mind at all stages of development, as each one is experienced differently. It also helps to deal with stressful situations for both the child and his or her family and prioritises active listening and accompaniment in adult life to enable the child to achieve the greatest possible degree of autonomy.

Requests for intervention come to the CAPDI from primary care centres, both from paediatricians and family doctors and from hospital consultations, as well as from professionals in the educational and social fields.