The Government earmarks 10 million euros from the Next Generation EU fund for energy efficiency in tourism companies

Aug 24, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The call published by the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sports, has a total budget of 10,094,723.68 €.

In the first call, made at the end of 2022, 40 projects were approved with a total budget of 11,105,461.11 €.

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The Government earmarks 10 million euros from the Next Generation EU fund for energy efficiency in tourism companies

The Regional Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sports has opened a new line of aid from the Next Generation EU Funds worth €10,094,723.68 aimed at improving energy efficiency in tourism companies.

In October 2022, a first call for proposals was presented with a budget of 12.2 million euros and ended with the approval of 40 projects, out of 53 applications received, and a total amount of 11,105,461.11 euros. The sum of the remainder of this first call, €1,144,507.68, and a new sum of €8,950,000 requested by the Government of the Balearic Islands from the central government, have made it possible to publish this new call, which is part of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan financed by the Next Generation EU fund.

The beneficiaries of this call will be tourist accommodation companies, tourist-residential companies, companies that market tourist stays in dwellings, tourist catering companies and companies whose purpose is tourism intermediation.

Subsidies will be granted for projects to improve energy efficiency, waste management measures and reuse and recycling plans; actions that promote the production and procurement of local supplies; improvements to installations and equipment; digitalisation, automation and control and building management systems; and staff awareness and training and customer awareness of more sustainable actions and behaviour.

The deadline for submitting applications begins on the working day following the publication of the call for applications in the Official Gazette of the Balearic Islands (Thursday 22 August 2024) and ends on 30 September 2024.