Raíllo, Maffeo, Darder and Arrasate assess the match against Osasuna

Aug 26, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

Antonio Raíllo, Pablo Maffeo, Sergi Darder and Jagoba Arrasate assess the match against Osasuna.

Antonio Raíllo

Reading of the match: It would have to be seen and analysed but the team tried to generate and believed in it. In the first division, the small details make the difference. They had two or three chances and were able to convert one of them into a goal and we weren’t able to convert any of them.

We lacked a bit of precision when putting crosses into the box and maybe also the last pass and the last move. We haven’t generated, we haven’t had the freshness and accuracy that we’ve had in other games. From there, we have to analyse it and continue to believe in the idea.

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Raíllo, Maffeo, Darder and Arrasate assess the match against Osasuna

Next game on Tuesday: We have to focus on the next game, there’s nothing left. We have to recover, we play at home and try to make up for it.

Pablo Maffeo

Evaluation of the game: I think the first half was theirs, they had several chances although we had Asano’s. They were better than us but we have to try to make up for it. They were better than us but we have to keep going. There are no excuses, this has only just begun and we have to keep improving.

Lack of forcefulness: We lacked a bit of that, yes. It was a different game to last week’s but we have to keep going. On Tuesday we have another game and we will go to win.

Change of mind-set: We have to forget about the defeat now. We have to correct the mistakes, as a team we have to talk about the things we have done wrong and also value the things we have done right.

Jagoba Arrasate

Reading of the match: Well, it’s a negative reading, when you lose it can’t be any other way. We were uncomfortable in many phases of the game and that goal tipped the balance. From then on we wanted to, we had more pace and more presence in the box but it wasn’t to be.

What the team lacked: Above all, we lacked more depth and Muriqi needed to be more mobile. The two centre-backs set him up very well and there was space to look for that depth but we didn’t interpret it well.

No time for regrets: When you have a defeat you have to learn quickly, get up and get back to training tomorrow, because on Monday we’ll be on the eve of the next game. We play again with our people and let’s see if we are better so we can get the three points on Tuesday.

Sergi Darder

Evaluation of the game: Everything we had analysed and thought could happen has happened. We’ve had our chances, if we had scored Asano’s chance the game would probably have changed. The team is doing good things but there are things we have to improve. We’re growing, we’ve done some good things and that’s what we have to stick with.