The Ocho de Agosto 2024 awards recognise creations in graphic design, clay crafts, photography, painting and research, in Ibiza

Aug 26, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

This year the music category has been declared void.

On the 19th and 20th of August, the juries for the six categories of this year’s Ocho de Agosto Awards met, awarding prizes for creations in graphic design, clay handicrafts, photography, painting and research. The music category was unanimously declared void.

As for the Ocho de Agosto Painting Prize, the jury, which met on 20 August and was made up of Carles Guasch Guasch, president, and the members Patricia Boned Sáez, Dieter Sroka and Aida Miró Vicente, after evaluating the twenty-two works presented, unanimously agreed to award the prize to the work El golpe en la Tierra by the painter Augusto Banegas Martinez.

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The Ocho de Agosto 2024 awards recognise creations in graphic design, clay crafts, photography, painting and research, in Ibiza

Regarding the Ocho de Agosto Prize for Clay Crafts, the jury, which met on 20 August, was chaired by Antoni Ribas Costa, Toniet, president, with Carolina Boned Torres and Adrián Ribas Escandell as members. Of the ten works presented, they decided to declare the winner the work by Nora Buitrago Baldiviezo entitled Micelio, which they highlighted as being technically very well resolved, with a well-thought-out conception and other elements very well integrated into the whole.

The jury for the Ocho de Agosto Photography Prize, which met on 20 August, was chaired by Antoni Pomar Bofill and the members were Sebastián Candela Martínez and German G. Lama. Of the ten sets of three works presented, and once the pertinent deliberations had been made, it agreed to declare as winners by majority vote, ex aequo, the works presented with the titles Homenaje al (último) campanero by Maria Neus Prats Tur and Catalina Escandell Riera de Can Joan de en Gallo by Isa Sanz.

For the Ocho de Agosto Graphic Design Prize, the jury met on 20th August and was chaired by Carme Boix Bonet, with Margarita Tur Riera, Toni Colomar Noguera and César Sánchez Fernández as members. Having assessed the seven works submitted and after the relevant deliberations, the jury declared the design submitted under the title Passion and Dedication to the collective identity of the Balearic Islands by Antoni Ribichesu the winner.

The Ocho de Agosto Research Prize jury met on 19 August and was made up of Francisca Tur Riera, president, and the members Maria Neus Torres Roig and Marcus Heinrich Hermanns. After the relevant deliberations of the four works presented, the jury unanimously agreed to declare Agnès Vidal Vicedo the winner of the Ocho de Agosto Prize in the Research 2024 category for her work La caja negra. Sumario de la Guardia Civil.

Regarding the winning work, the jury has highlighted that it is a very interesting and original work, from the last years of the Second Republic, which gives another contribution to the story of our history, studying and investigating a private document from which extracts information about the activity of the Civil Guard in the Pitiusas during the years before the Civil War.

Finally, the Ocho de Agosto Music Prize, the jury met on the 19th of August and was formed by Adolfo Villalonga, president, and by the members Iván Mérgola Gómez, Juan Roig Torres, Barbé and Vicent Tur Ramón, unanimously agreed to declare the Ocho de Agosto Prize in the modality of Music void.

The councillor for Culture, Education and Heritage, Sara Ramon, who called all the winners to give them the news, stressed ‘the importance of these prizes, which recognise the high artistic and research potential on the island’, with works and creations that become part of the Consell Insular’s artistic collection.

The prize-giving ceremony will take place on Friday 30th August at 7 p.m. in Sa Nostra Sala, in Carrer Argó in Eivissa, where an exhibition of all the Ocho de Agosto prizes awarded in the last five years can be visited.