The Department of Social Welfare participates in the delivery of the XUROAR game to Menorca’s residential and day centres

Aug 26, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

An idea made by the group of young people who are part of the occupational workshop on Social and Health Care ‘Caminant amb tu’ (Walking with you).

The councillor for Social Welfare of the Consell Insular de Menorca, Carmen Reynés, and the island director of Elderly People, Dependency and Functional Diversity, Melissa Manota, have participated in the delivery of the game XUROAR, an idea that has been made by the group of young people who are part of the mixed project of general interest of Social and Health Care for people in situations of dependency in social institutions SOIB Joven Formación y Ocupación, called ‘Caminant amb tu’, framed within the line 1 for people under 30 years old.

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The Department of Social Welfare participates in the delivery of the XUROAR game to Menorca’s residential and day centres

The game aims to provide recreational and stimulating activities that promote the overall well-being of the group, attending to the needs of dependent people and including the maintenance of mental and emotional health. Games like this offer a unique opportunity to meet these objectives in an accessible and engaging way.

It is a board game designed to sharpen players’ observation and visual acuity and encourage focused attention on a particular action, finding images related to Menorca’s festivals, horses, food, decoration and the different traditions of each village. ‘The word xuroar means to spy, to peek. In homage to the Menorcan words, which if we don’t preserve, they will be lost’, explains Carmen Reynés.

‘From the Department of Social Welfare we have supported and collaborated with this project, and we want to thank the work and enthusiasm of all the students and teachers who throughout the process have been involved with heart and soul to finally make this delivery of the game to the residential centres and day centres of Menorca,’ she concludes.