The diabetes therapeutic education nurses’ office at Manacor Hospital has attended 925 face-to-face consultations in the first half of 2024

Aug 27, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The group workshops, which are on the increase, are being promoted and more than two hundred patients have already participated.

The diabetes therapeutic education nursing practice (EDT) carries out an educational task with patients diagnosed with type I and II diabetes. These patients receive individualised, structured therapeutic education until they reach the objectives that enable them to manage their diabetes. The care given to pregnant patients, paediatric patients and adolescents is particularly noteworthy.

The two specialist diabetes education nurses monitor each patient from the moment the disease is first diagnosed. Among the actions they carry out are group consultations, which have greatly increased in the last year due to the interest of patients in attending. Throughout 2023, a total of 212 patients have attended the group consultations and workshops devoted entirely to diabetes education. One of the most noteworthy of these is the one dedicated to the preparation of meals for these people, which will be repeated this year, with the participation of professional chefs who also have diabetes and are also patients at this clinic.

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The diabetes therapeutic education nurses’ office at Manacor Hospital has attended 925 face-to-face consultations in the first half of 2024

The group workshops are held every month and deal with different topics, such as those dedicated to adolescent patients, which deal with how to manage nights out, travel and the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases. On the other hand, another of the most successful workshops is the one dedicated to managing blood glucose levels when eating foods rich in fats and proteins such as pizzas, cannelloni, hamburgers, potatoes or paella.

Progressively more flash sensors are implanted to better control blood glucose, through training workshops on both multi-dose diabetes mellitus II and type I diabetes mellitus to empower patients to be autonomous. It should be noted that in 2023, a total of 1,668 face-to-face consultations were attended by patients with type I and II diabetes. In the first half of 2024, 644 patients with type I diabetes and 281 patients with type II diabetes visited this specialised consultation.

Throughout 2023, 82 diabetic debuts have been diagnosed. This figure shows an increase in the number of these patients in the Llevant region.

The diabetes therapeutic education nursing consultation is coordinated with the Endocrinology team of the Hospital and provides training, through different teaching activities, to the primary care teams of the relevant area. Thus, telephone support – scheduled or urgent – is provided both to health centres in the Hospital’s area of influence and to patients.

As for telephone consultations, a total of 702 were made in 2023, so that any patient can resolve doubts and problems related to their illness as soon as possible.