The Consell de Mallorca cedes the management and maintenance of eleven traffic lights installed on stretches of island roads to the Palma Town Hall

Aug 28, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

Today, the councillor of Territory, Mobility and Infrastructures, Fernando Rubio, and the deputy mayor of Mobility of Cort, Toni Deudero, signed the agreement for the transfer of traffic regulation installations.

Today, Thursday, the Consell de Mallorca and Palma City Council signed an agreement whereby the island institution cedes to Cort the management and maintenance of the traffic regulation installations located on stretches of island roads in the municipality of Palma. Specifically, there are eleven traffic lights owned by the Consell which Palma Town Hall has been managing for some time now. Now the transfer has been formalised between the two institutions, using an agreement that has been described as historic for the years that they have been trying to reach an agreement.

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The Consell de Mallorca cedes the management and maintenance of eleven traffic lights

The Councillor of Territory, Mobility and Infrastructures of the Consell de Mallorca, Fernando Rubio, and the Deputy Mayor of Mobility and Industrial Estates of Palma, Toni Deudero, have been in charge of signing the agreement whereby the Consell will pay 23,116 euros a year to the Palma Town Hall for the maintenance and management of the traffic lights. The cameras and information panels are not included in the agreement.

Councillor Fernando Rubio explained that ‘today is an important day, as with this agreement for the transfer of the eleven traffic lights owned by the Consell, we are putting Palma’s traffic management in order with installations that, for the proper functioning of the service, must be managed by Palma City Hall, from its control room’. Rubio also stressed ‘the good harmony and maximum collaboration between the Consell de Mallorca and Cort, in order to make this agreement possible, which we have been trying to finalise for years, as well as to promote different initiatives in the area of mobility, which we are working on with Palma City Hall’.

For his part, the Deputy Mayor for Mobility and Industrial Estates, Toni Deudero, explained that with this agreement between the Consell and Cort, which he described as ‘historic’, Palma City Hall ‘assumes the maintenance and conservation of the traffic control installations on the roads of the Consell de Mallorca, which includes the management of the eleven traffic light intersections that until now were controlled by the island’s institution. With the signing of this agreement, Cort will now manage 270, that is, all the traffic light installations in the municipality.