Prohens announces more than 18 million euros earmarked for the difficult and very difficult-to-fill post allowance for civil servant teachers

Aug 29, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

A total of 3,712 positions will receive these new allowances.

The bases have also been established for the singular component of hardship, dangerousness and toxicity, which will amount to 220,000 euros per academic year.

The President of the Government of the Balearic Islands, Margalida Prohens, today presided over the signing of the agreement of the Sectoral Education Committee on the island of Eivissa, which established the bases for the supplement for posts that are difficult and very difficult to fill for teaching staff in the Balearic Islands. In addition, the principles of the singular component of hardship, dangerousness or toxicity have also been established.

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Prohens announces more than 18 million euros earmarked for the difficult and very difficult-to-fill post allowance for civil servant teachers

The Government of the Balearic Islands will allocate more than 18,380,000 euros to cover these new allowances, which will mean that 3,712.5 teaching posts will benefit, and which will be applied from 1 September 2024. Specifically, in the 2024-2025 academic year, almost 4 million euros will be earmarked for this measure. The regional government is making a significant economic effort to strengthen the teaching staff on the islands that suffer most from problems of access to housing, and also to recognise the teaching work of civil servants who perform their duties under special conditions of hardship, toxicity or danger. ‘With this agreement, we are providing an important tool to cover staffing levels and guarantee service to the children of Menorca, Eivissa and Formentera. We will continue working to provide solutions to the housing problems on the islands, and unfortunately in an intense way in the Pitiüses’.

Thus, the agreements signed today on the island of Eivissa by President Margalida Prohens, Education and Universities Councillor Antoni Vera, DG of Teaching Staff and Subsidised Centres Ismael Alonso, and representatives of STEI-intrinsical, ANPE, UGT, CCOO and UOB, which are part of the Sectoral Education Committee, will go to the Consell de Govern in the coming weeks for ratification.

By agreement of the Consell de Govern and for each school year, will be determined, for each of the islands of Menorca, Eivissa and Formentera, the positions of difficult and very difficult to cover, in addition to the jobs of a unique nature in which teachers perform their duties under special conditions of danger, hardship or toxicity in all the Balearic Islands. The allowances that are difficult and very difficult to fill are mutually exclusive. In the event that a teaching staff member is entitled to receive both allowances, he/she shall receive the higher amount.

Very difficult to fill