Successful completion of the enlargement of the Can Cuirassa lagoon, within the S’Albufereta Nature Reserve

Aug 29, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

An access path has also been created, which will allow public use through a fauna observatory to be built on one side of the lagoon.

The Regional Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and the Natural Environment reports that the enlargement of the Can Cuirassa lagoon has been satisfactorily completed. Before its protection, Prat de Can Cuirassa, which forms part of the S’Albufereta Nature Reserve (Mallorca), was affected by uncontrolled dumping, especially of rubble and clogging material, which compromised its natural values. For this reason, a restoration project was carried out, which enabled the recovery of a large part of the open waters in the area, with the extraction of more than 17,000 tonnes of construction and demolition waste.

The environmental restoration work consisted mainly of the enlargement of one of the existing lagoons and the creation of an access road, which will allow its public use through a fauna observatory to be built on one side of the lagoon from next year.

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Successful completion of the enlargement of the Can Cuirassa lagoon, within the S’Albufereta Nature Reserve

The new lagoon covers an area of some 5,400 m², with an average depth of one metre. For its restoration, more than 3,000 m³ of sediment had to be removed. It should be noted that once the work was completed, migratory waterfowl could already be seen in the lagoon, using it as a resting and feeding area.

Thus, the lagoon will benefit numerous aquatic species, including birds such as ospreys, ducks, coots and herons, but also bats, eels, dragonflies and other aquatic invertebrates, as well as submerged macrophytes.

This action completes the environmental restoration of this protected estate. The coastal lagoon that has been created forms part of a habitat of preferential conservation at the European level (habitat 1150), precisely the year in which the Environmental Restoration Law was approved in Europe, which is why this project is linked to the spirit of the new law.