The third of SFM’s five new trains arrives in Mallorca

Aug 29, 2024 | Current affairs, Interview, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The first two units will enter service soon, once the last phase of tests in which they are currently undergoing is concluded

The third of the five new trains purchased by the Government of the Balearic Islands to reinforce the fleet of Servicios Ferroviarios de Mallorca (SFM) and to continue the need to improve public transport has arrived in Mallorca.

This morning, at around 6 a.m., the third of the five new trains acquired by SFM arrived at Palma’s Moll Vell. Subsequently, at around 11 a.m., the vehicle was deposited on the tracks of SFM’s facilities in Son Rutlan, once the special transport from the port of Palma had finished.

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The third of SFM’s five new trains arrives in Mallorca

The railway company expects the first two units, which arrived on the island on February 28th and April 29th, respectively, to enter service soon, once they have passed all the pertinent tests. At present, they are in the last phase of tests, known as ‘blank runs’, which consist of running kilometres on the usual network routes, but without passengers. These tests are used to check the correct operation of all the systems of the new trains on the network on which they will provide service, as well as for training in driving the new convoys for all the train drivers on staff. These tests began in August and, once completed, will allow the new trains to enter service.

The last two trains will arrive in September and October, respectively. The five new trains will extend the rail service’s timetables and frequencies. The incorporation of the new trains into the service will be carried out gradually from the end of the first two trains to the end of this year.

The new units acquired by SFM have to follow a rigorous and lengthy process until they are put into service, which involves passing the first operating tests at the CAF manufacturing company’s facilities in the Basque Country and then beginning a period in which different circulation tests have to continue to be carried out by strict safety protocols, to end with this last phase of the blank runs, in which the first two are already in operation. As for the first unit that arrived in February, the testing period is longer, since most of the circulation tests that have been carried out since its arrival are valid for the rest of the units.

The contract with Construcciones y Auxiliar de Ferrocarriles (CAF) for the manufacture of the five electric trains, each with four cars, and their maintenance during the guarantee period has involved an investment of 54,653,612 euros (excluding VAT), 90% of which comes from the European REACT-EU fund.

These are state-of-the-art trains, each comprising four carriages (wagons) and featuring advances in many aspects compared to those of the current SFM fleet.

Firstly, the structure is made of aluminium, which makes them lighter in weight and therefore less energy-consuming and more efficient; secondly, they are four metres longer and offer slightly more capacity than the previous ones, and there are more spaces reserved for bicycles inside them.

A significant difference concerning the current 8100 series is that the new ones have three entrance doors on each side of the carriage, which facilitates passenger access and greater agility in loading and unloading passengers.

Electronically more advanced, they are also equipped with better electrical safety systems, which provide greater reliability and agility in the event of possible incidents.

The interior passenger information devices have also been improved, as well as the video surveillance systems inside the units. It should also be noted that some of the electronic advances included in the new units can be replicated in the trains of the current fleet, which will mean that the entire fleet will be improved in terms of safety and reliability.