The Consell de Mallorca presents the Hunting and Rural World Fair, which will feature fifty exhibitors and an extensive programme of exhibitions and entertainment activities

Aug 30, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The event, which will be held on 7 and 8 September at the Son Pardo racecourse, includes a culinary demonstration with Koldo Royo, a space dedicated to different breeds of dogs, horse racing, archery and photography prizes.

The Consell de Mallorca’s Department of the Environment, Rural Affairs and Sports has presented the programme for the Hunting and Rural World Fair to be held on the 7th and 8th of September, which includes more than fifty exhibitors and stands of local products related to the world of hunting, as well as a wide range of exhibitions and entertainment activities for all audiences.

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The Consell de Mallorca presents the Hunting and Rural World Fair, which will feature fifty exhibitors and an extensive programme of exhibitions and entertainment activities

The Son Pardo racecourse, where the event will be held, was the venue for the presentation of the Fair’s programme, which was attended by the second vice-president and councillor for the Environment, Rural Affairs and Sports, Pedro Bestard, who announced the long list of activities planned. He was accompanied by the island’s director of Hunting, Sebastià Perelló, and the president of the Mallorca Equestrian Sports Institute, Gaspar Oliver.

The councillor Pedro Bestard stressed the importance of this fair ‘to highlight the enormous tradition that the world of hunting has in Mallorca and to publicise all the parallel activities related to this activity that is so deeply rooted on our island’. ‘We are very pleased to have been able to bring back a fair that has not been held for years and which we know is eagerly awaited by Mallorcans,’ he added.

For his part, the island’s director of Hunting pointed out that ‘this fair allows us to highlight the work of hunters, livestock breeders, farmers and all those who, day by day, contribute to the maintenance and preservation of our natural environment. We hope that this edition will be a meeting point for all those who value and respect nature, culture and tradition, as well as an impulse for the new generations to discover the importance of this legacy’.

The event will start on Saturday at 16.00 hours and will last until 20.00 hours on Sunday, and will include activities and permanent exhibitions related to the hunting theme; hunting-themed paintings, traditional crafts related to the countryside and utensils of traditional trades of the countryside and hunting, bow hunting simulation, taxidermy exhibition, shooting simulator and a photography exhibition, among others.

Presence of organisations and carriage rides

Various associations, clubs and federations related to the rural world and hunting will be present at the fair in some thirty exhibition tents where they will showcase their work, as well as different types of hunting.

There will also be an exhibition of more than 15 antique carriages used in traditional farm work, galleys and stagecoaches in a space of more than 50 linear metres. The public will be able to enjoy a carriage ride inside the enclosure. There will also be an exhibition of agricultural machinery and another of vehicles.

Exhibitions and entertainment activities

During the two days of the fair, the public will be able to watch various parallel activities such as archery, hunting exhibitions with horses and falconry birds, herding dogs, cowboy dressage and greyhound and horse racing.

The event will also include a demonstration of ancient Mallorcan trades. This is an improvised theatrical performance that will serve to raise awareness of trades that were common 60 years ago and are no longer in use.

The show will feature a live culinary demonstration in an event led by the popular chef Koldo Royo, who will prepare game dishes. The extensive programme is rounded off with the recognition of outstanding people for their involvement in the world of hunting and the prize-giving ceremony for the hunting photography competition. The winning and selected images will be exhibited during the fair.

The site is divided into six different areas, which will include a large area for sports games and entertainment for children, as well as a restaurant service at the Hippodrome, where a wide variety of game dishes will be served.