The president of the Consell de Mallorca participates in the XLIII edition of the Pujada a Lluc a Peu de la Part Forana (Race to Lluc on foot of the Part Forana)

Sep 9, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The president joins the more than 5,000 pilgrims who have walked to the Sanctuary of Lluc that night from the different municipalities of Mallorca.

The President of the Consell de Mallorca, Llorenç Galmés, took part in the events of the Festa de Lluc a Peu, on the occasion of the XLIII Pujada a Lluc a Peu de la Part Forana. Llorenç Galmés, who set off yesterday from Cala Figuera in Santanyí, arrived at the Sanctuary of Lluc early this morning after completing 85 km.

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The president of the Consell de Mallorca participates in the XLIII edition of the Pujada a Lluc a Peu de la Part Forana (Race to Lluc on foot of the Part Forana)

The president of the Association of Former Blavets de Lluc, Llorenç Gelabert, and the island director of Serra de Tramuntana and mayor of Escorca, Antoni Solivellas, welcomed the president of the Consell de Mallorca upon his arrival. Afterwards, the president made a floral offering and attended the solemn mass for pilgrims, officiated by Mn. Marià Gastalver, prior of Lluc.

The Consell de Mallorca has allocated more than 67,500 euros, increasing last year’s contribution by 12,000 euros, to ‘make this tradition, so deeply rooted in the municipalities of our island, a reality’. More than 5,000 people from 45 municipalities on the island took part in the climb, organised by the Asociación de Antiguos Blavets de Lluc (Association of Old Blavets of Lluc).