La Misericòrdia hosts the Setmana del Llibre en Català de Palma from the 12th to the 15th of September

Sep 10, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The Consell de Mallorca is sponsoring this event, which will feature four Mallorcan publishers for the first time: Lleonard Muntaner Editor, Nova Editorial Moll, El Gall Editor and Documenta Balear.

La Misericòrdia is hosting the Setmana del Llibre en Català (Catalan Book Week) in Palma from the 12th to the 15th of September. The Consell de Mallorca is sponsoring this event, which this year will feature four Mallorcan publishers for the first time: Lleonard Muntaner Editor, Nova Editorial Moll, El Gall Editor and Documenta Balear, who join the bookshops Drac Màgic, Quart creixent, Lila i els contes, Embat and Llibreria Pròpia in the celebration of this event, now in its 35th year.

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La Misericòrdia hosts the Setmana del Llibre en Català de Palma from the 12th to the 15th of September

This year’s guests include writers Ramon Gener, Maria Nicolau, Xavier Salomó and Montserrat Espallargas. The week will also see the presentations of new books by Maria Escalas, Miquel Àngel Vidal and Pau Vadell, as well as a round table on tourism and literature.

This year, it will also be held for the first time in the gardens of La Misericòrdia. The opening of the Setmana del Llibre en Català 2024 will take place on Thursday 12th September at 6.30 pm, and it will remain open until Sunday 15th September from 10.30 am to 2.30 pm and from 4.30 pm to 8.30 pm, except on Sunday, when it will close one hour earlier.

The Consell de Mallorca allocates a total of 95,000 euros, this year 2024, to the Gremi de Llibreters de Mallorca to carry out different initiatives, during this year, such as the Setmana del Llibre en Català, the Fira del Llibre, Sant Jordi and for the promotion of reading in bookshops. Guillem Ginard, the Consell de Mallorca’s director of Culture, emphasised that ‘we want to support the Gremi de Llibreters, as it is a very important part of culture and the world of reading on the island, with all these proposals that bring together hundreds of people to enjoy reading and our language’.

What’s new in 2024

Among the novelties of 2024 are the presentations of the new books by Maria Escalas, Miquel Àngel Vidal and Pau Vadell, as well as a round table on tourism and literature, and the inaugural concert to be held on Thursday, 12 September, after the opening speech, by Nou Romancer. This year’s guests at the event include writers Ramon Gener, Maria Nicolau, Xavier Salomó and Montserrat Espallargas.

During this week there will be different activities, such as the presentations: Història d’un piano by Ramon Gener and Cremo! by Maria Nicolau, two of the best-selling books of the last edition of Sant Jordi. Both the journalist and the cook will be taking part for the first time in this event held in Palma. Journalist Montserrat Espallargas will also present her latest book, Genètica de les passions.

Programme of events

As for local authors, the week will see the presentation of the latest novels by authors such as Miquel Àngel Vidal with Vint-i-cinc dies d’agost i tres dies de setembre, Pau Vadell, with the poem Uralita, and Maria Escalas, winner of the latest Ciutat de Palma prize for novels, with Matilde E., a work she will present as part of the event. There will also be presentations of the biographical book by Isidor Marí Mayans, El compromís ètic i polièdric d’Enric Ribes Marí, with the presence of the biographer, and of Memorial de violetas. Crònica menorquina de la repressió i alliberament homosexual de les Balears by Nel Martí.

Throughout the week there will also be space for children’s and family activities, including the presentation of the latest book by illustrator Xavier Salomó, Un regal de por, the storytelling Contes per la igualtat by Tomeu Granera and the puppet show Bruixeries, by Toni Masegosa.

In addition, there will also be a visual theatre performance by Júlia Febrer and Tomeu Quetglas, and the presentation of the Illes de Paraules project promoted by the Institut d’Estudis Baleàrics. The event will come to a close in musical format, with a concert by Tiu to be held on Sunday the 15th, starting at 6 pm.

The complete programme can be consulted on the website