The Agreement on the special allowance for hardship, dangerousness or toxicity has also been ratified.
These allowances will be paid, for the first time, in the September payroll.
The Consell de Govern has ratified the Agreement of the Sectorial Table of Education of the 28th of August 2024 by which the bases of the complement of the post of very difficult coverage, of difficult coverage and hardship, dangerousness or toxicity of the educational civil servants of the Balearic Islands are established.
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Ratification of the Agreement establishing the bases of the very difficult-to-cover allowance for teachers
By ratifying the Agreement, teachers who occupy posts that are very difficult to fill will receive the 300 euro per month allowance as of September’s pay cheque. It should be recalled that positions that are considered very difficult to fill are those whose main centre is an educational centre located on the island of Formentera, as well as positions on Menorca or Eivissa that are occupied by an interim teaching official who teaches directly in pre-school, primary, compulsory secondary, baccalaureate, vocational training or special education, and whose main function is a speciality that is difficult to fill or that the position has been offered in the processes of awarding replacements for interim officials, carried out during 14 calendar days and has not been filled.
For the 2024-2025 academic year, it is expected that in Formentera there will be 167 positions that are very difficult to fill, with an investment of approximately one million euros. On the island of Menorca, 41 very difficult-to-fill positions are planned, which will require an investment of approximately 260,000 euros. On the island of Eivissa, 276 very difficult-to-fill positions are foreseen with an investment of 1,900,000 euros, including social security costs.
The jobs catalogued for their arduousness, dangerousness or toxicity are those in which the teaching task is carried out with pupils with judicial measures affected by deprivation of liberty, with pupils in foster care programmes or with child protection measures, or with pupils admitted for health reasons to hospitals or convalescing in private homes for a period of more than 30 days. The amount of each monthly allowance for these posts is 250 € for the academic year 2024-2025; the allowance will be received by 50 teachers as of this September.
With the ratification of the Agreement by the Consell de Govern today, the bases for the difficult-to-fill allowance are also established, which will start to be paid from the 2025-2026 academic year. A post will be declared difficult to fill if it has as its main centre an educational centre located on the islands of Menorca or Eivissa.