The Department of Economy and General Services has earmarked 95,000 euros.
The Executive Council of the Consell Insular de Menorca (Island Council of Menorca) has approved the terms and conditions and the call for applications for 2024 for aid to Menorca’s professional agricultural organisations (OPA) for a total amount of 95,000 euros, associations that have an operational structure that allows for effective coordination with the agricultural sector and that at the same time provide important information for the development of agricultural policies.
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Approval of the rules and the call for applications for aid to professional agricultural organisations in Menorca (OPA)
The purpose of this call for aid is to contribute to the expenses incurred in carrying out the ordinary activities of the professional agricultural organisations on the island of Menorca from 1 January to 31 December 2024.
The purpose of the subsidies is to promote the activities of the professional agricultural associations in terms of representation of the collective, information, training, advice and management of aid to farms.
The activities covered by the following two lines of aid are subsidised:
- Line 1. Maintenance, representation and publications of the professional agricultural organisation. This includes expenses for the maintenance of the organisation itself, the development of the representative function of the socio-economic interests of its members and the publication of the organisation’s communication media aimed primarily at its members, whether printed or digital. A total budget of 35,000 euros is earmarked for this line, with a maximum individual grant of 19,000 euros.
- Line 2. Advice and management of aid on farms to improve the service of its members. A total budget of 60,000 euros is earmarked for this line, with a maximum individual aid of 20,000 euros.
The subsidy can be applied for by legally constituted professional agricultural organisations that have their registered office and sphere of action within the territory of Menorca and have a real and democratic internal operation until 31 July 2025.