The Regional Ministry of Health approaches mental disorders in a multifactorial way and puts the patient at the centre

Oct 11, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

Mental Health is already training all residents in the speciality to eradicate the stigma attached to these disorders.

The incorporation of 39 educational psychologists in secondary schools and the creation of a specific Addictive Behaviour Unit are the latest actions for childhood and youth disorders.

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The Regional Ministry of Health approaches mental disorders in a multifactorial way and puts the patient at the centre

The Regional Ministry of Health is pioneering the implementation in the Balearic Islands of an innovative model for tackling mental health disorders based on a plurality of approaches centred on the person as a whole and from different perspectives.

The Directorate General of Mental Health works in coordination with other administrations to recognise the needs of patients affected by these disorders, the most suitable ways for their recovery and their social and educational integration and, in short, so that they can resume their life project from a comprehensive approach.

On the occasion of today’s World Mental Health Day, which marks the first anniversary of the creation of the Directorate General for Mental Health, the Regional Ministry of Health underlines its commitment to tackling the rise of these pathologies, which have become a real public health problem.

Health recalls that it was one of the first autonomous communities to create this directorate general and to incorporate clinical psychologists in the 061 emergency services.

This new directorate general, which will coordinate all institutional resources to treat these pathologies, is currently instructing all specialists in training who are going to treat these disorders to eradicate once and for all the stigma that still accompanies them. From next year onwards, it will do the same with the rest of the residents in training in the autonomous community.

Likewise, on 8 November, it organised a conference on good practices aimed at all workers who deal with Mental Health problems. For its part, on 13 December the University of the Balearic Islands (UIB) will also host an open day to disseminate the benefits of practising sport in these cases.

Given the alarming increase in emotional disorders among children and young people, Health recalls that, in collaboration with the Regional Ministry of Education, in this academic year there are already 39 educational psychologists to treat and, above all, prevent these pathologies in secondary schools. Proof of the Regional Ministry’s concern for this group is the creation of an Addictive Behaviour Unit (UCA) in the Parc Sanitari de Bons Aires, which will treat them exclusively and to which young people will have free access, without the need to be referred by another health professional. This UCA Jove is staffed by a team of 6 full-time professionals: a psychiatrist, a psychologist, a nurse, a social worker and an administrative assistant.

Case manager

Likewise, the Balearic Institute for Child and Adolescent Mental Health (IBSMIA) already has a case manager to facilitate the transition of paediatric patients to adult care services, to prevent them from getting lost in this transition.

Health is also focusing on health professionals in order to achieve its goal of caring for those who care for us. For this reason, it has created a specific consultation to treat mental disorders among health staff at Son Llàtzer and has recently renewed and increased the agreement signed with the College of Doctors to strengthen the Comprehensive Assistance Programme for Sick Doctors (PAIME).