The Consell de Mallorca inaugurates the exhibition of a work from the Prado Museum at the Museu de Mallorca

Oct 14, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Portada, Post, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

Sight and Smell (1620): A masterpiece of Baroque art that can be visited at the Museu de Mallorca until the 10th of November.

The Consell de Mallorca, in collaboration with the Museo del Prado and Telefónica, is opening the temporary exhibition L’art que connecta. A work from the Prado Museum at the Museu de Mallorca. This exhibition, which can be visited from 15th October to 10th November 2024, presents the Baroque work The Sight and Smell (1620), a masterpiece created by the artists Jan Brueghel the Elder, Hendrick Van Balen, Frans Francken II and others.

The Sight and Smell is an oil on canvas measuring 176×264 cm and is part of a set of two paintings commissioned from Jan Brueghel the Elder by the Archdukes Albert and Elizabeth Clara Eugenia for their court in the Netherlands. This work, together with its companion The Touch, the Ear and the Taste, is a replica of the originals that were lost in the fire at the Palace of Brussels in 1731. The compositions in the Museo del Prado are an essential witness to the appearance of the original works.

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The Consell de Mallorca inaugurates the exhibition of a work from the Prado Museum at the Museu de Mallorca

The work is notable for its meticulous depiction of a chamber of wonders, also known as a kunstkammer, with an abundance of paintings, sculptures and luxury objects, reflecting the artistic splendour of the court of the archdukes. The five senses are represented by women, with sight and smell being the central figures in this canvas. In the scene, one woman looks into a mirror held up by Cupid, while another receives a bouquet of flowers, symbolising the interaction between the senses. This type of composition was intended not only to exalt the senses, but also to show off the cultural wealth of the time.

The president of the Consell de Mallorca, Llorenç Galmés, inaugurated the exhibition today at the Museu de Mallorca together with the general coordinator of Conservation of the Prado Museum, Víctor Cageao; the head of Large Companies and Public Administrations of Telefónica in the Balearic Islands, José Miguel del Moral, and the director of the Museu de Mallorca, Maria Gràcia Salvà.

Galmés stressed that ‘it is a source of pride for the island to have exhibitions of this level’ and ‘invites Mallorcans to take advantage of this unique opportunity to contemplate one of the great works of the Baroque in the heart of Mallorca’.

Complementary activities

In addition to the exhibition, the Consell de Mallorca has organised a series of complementary activities for all kinds of audiences. These free activities are designed to bring the history of art and culture closer to the public. For more information and to register, interested parties can contact the Museu de Mallorca by calling 971 597 995 or emailing

Guided tours: every Tuesday at 12 noon and Wednesday at 5 pm.
On 6 November 2024, the magician Joan Cassanyes will offer a sensory experience for the over-16s, using the play Sight and Smell as a guiding thread. The activity will include a magical component and will be held in four sessions: 18:00, 18:30, 19:00 and 19:30.
On 9 November 2024, Cassanyes will lead a magical family ginkana at 11 a.m., especially designed for youngsters, with the Baroque work on display as the central theme.
With this initiative, the Consell de Mallorca reinforces its commitment to the promotion and conservation of the island’s artistic and cultural heritage, bringing masterpieces of universal art to the public.