These SOIB grants will enable the implementation of individualised actions for people with employability difficulties.
Local entities and non-profit organisations that carry out socio-labour insertion programmes will be able to benefit.
The Consell de Govern, at the proposal of the Department of Enterprise, Employment and Energy, has authorised an investment of 3,082,000 euros to finance the subsidy aimed at employment guidance projects for vulnerable groups ‘SOIB Orientación Itinerarios Integrales de Inserción para los ejercicios 2025 y 2026’ (SOIB Guidance Comprehensive Insertion Itineraries for the 2025 and 2026 financial years). Likewise, the advance of the expenditure related to this call has been authorised for each year.
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The purpose of this aid, promoted by the Employment Service of the Balearic Islands (SOIB), is to encourage the implementation of employment guidance itineraries, i.e., the implementation of individual, personalised and comprehensive support procedures that allow users to build a professional project that integrates personal needs with social requirements, to join the labour market regularly.
Specifically, thanks to this initiative, it will be possible to meet the insertion needs of various groups with employability difficulties, such as people at risk of social exclusion; people with intellectual disabilities; people with other disabilities (physical, sensory, etc.); people with a mental health diagnosis and young people at risk of social exclusion, over 16 and under 30 years of age, registered in the National Youth Guarantee System.
Non-profit organisations that do not form part of the Third Sector of Social Action and are based in the autonomous community, as well as the local administrations of the Balearic Islands and their dependent or related public law entities, may benefit from this call for applications. All applicants must accredit at least one year’s experience in the execution of employment guidance actions with the group for which they are presenting the project.
The total amount of the call will be distributed as follows: for the year 2025 it is expected to allocate 1,155,750 euros; in the year 2026 the allocation will be 1,541,000 euros and in 2027 385,250 euros will be executed. Advance payments of 75 % and 25 % may be made in each planned annual instalment.
This initiative will be co-financed with the European Social Fund (ESF), in the framework of the Balearic Islands ESF+ Programme for the period 2021-2027.