The accounts, which amount to 695.5 million euros, have passed the first step, with the vote in favour of the Popular group and Vox, and the abstention of Pi
The plenary session of the Consell de Mallorca held this Friday in an extraordinary session initially approved the institution’s budget for 2025, which amounts to 695.5 million euros, with the Popular Group and Vox voting in favour, El Pi abstaining and the Socialist Group and MÉS per Mallorca voting against.
After the initial approval, with 18 votes in favour, 12 against and two abstentions, a period of public exhibition is now open, which will culminate with the proposal for final approval of the accounts in an extraordinary plenary session to be held in the coming weeks.
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The Consell de Mallorca initially approves the budget for 2025
In the first part, the plenary rejected the amendments to the whole of the Socialist Group and MÉS per Mallorca, while El Pi, which had also tabled an amendment to the whole, finally withdrew it and abstained from voting on the accounts after 17 amendments were accepted, mainly on infrastructures, municipalism and culture.
The councillor for the Treasury and Public Function, Rafel Bosch, reiterated that these are ‘the highest and most social budgets in the history of the institution, with nearly 400 million euros allocated to policies to care for people’. Bosch also pointed to the boost in investment.
In this regard, the Minister of Finance and Public Function highlighted the increase in the budget allocation for the Mallorca Fire Department for 2025, which amounts to 34.1 million euros, 4.9% more than this year. Rafel Bosch stated that ‘our desire to improve the island’s emergency service with two new fire stations in Manacor and Santanyí, and with more material and human resources, has been reinforced once we have seen the devastating consequences of the storms that have ravaged other regions of the country’.
Likewise, Councillor Bosch described the 2025 budgets ‘as the most supportive, because the areas of care for the most vulnerable people, such as minors, have experienced increases’. This is the case of the Island Directorate of Centres and Programmes for Child and Adolescent Care, which has a budget of 37.8 million euros, 5 million more than in 2024; and the Social Services, Child and Family Department, which has increased its budget to 37 million euros, 4.5 million euros more.
The Department of the Presidency will have 48.8 million euros available for 2025. This is the area that has experienced the most notable increase, 30.48% over this year. The Island Directorate of Families will have 6.8 million euros, an increase of 28.8%. The first crisis centre for victims of sexual violence in Mallorca will be set up. The Youth budget will be 3.5 million euros, 35.8% more, to provide more places in camps and new projects such as ‘Jóvenes en la Serra’ (Youth in the mountains). The Sociocultural Promotion budget will be 3.6 million euros, 26.8% more, to organise activities such as the senior citizens’ fair, the choir meeting, stays and hiking, among others.
The budget of the Serra de Tramuntana Island Directorate has been increased by 58% to 4.1 million euros due to the increase in the various subsidies. The Serra de Tramuntana Consortium has also grown to 4.1 million euros, 57.5% more than in 2024. In addition, an allocation of 2 million euros is planned for the project to decontaminate the Alcanada thermal power plant.
Social Welfare
The Social Welfare budget will be 316.8 million euros, 10% more than in 2024. Two new residences will be opened: Miquel Mir, in Inca, and Sant Josep, in the Hermanitas building in Palma, which will have a budget of almost 4 million euros. In addition, as a novelty, 2 million euros will be allocated to the agreement for the financing of municipal residences.
The allocation for the Island Directorate for People with Disabilities has grown by 7.4% to 84.3 million euros to meet the commitments made in the Pact for the Disabled.
Territory, Mobility and Infrastructures
The budget of the Department of Territory, Mobility and Infrastructures will be 132.7 million euros, 1% more than in 2024. 42.5 million euros will be allocated to projects to improve existing infrastructures. In addition, 20 million euros will be allocated to carry out new projects, such as the construction of the civic roads from Pòrtol to Santa Maria, Ariany and Artà Norte, the Peguera road in Camp de Mar, the road from Son Ferriol to s’Hostalot and s’Olivó at a cost of 9.6 million euros. The budget of the Territorial Defence Agency increases to 4.2 million euros, a 13.3% increase.
Economic Promotion and Local Development
Economic Promotion and Local Development will have 43.1 million euros at its disposal, 1% more than this year. The 20 million euros for the Works and Services Plan, the 3 million euros for the Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan (PAESC), and the 5 million euros for aid for the water cycle stand out. Subsidies for the promotion of local products have also been increased to 2 million euros, 600,000 euros more than in 2024.
Culture and Heritage
The budget for Culture and Heritage will be 34.9 million euros, 7.4% more than in 2024. Misericordia will continue to be promoted as the cultural nerve centre of Mallorca. The budget for the Literary Prizes will be increased by 140,000 euros, as well as that of the Cultural Institute of Mallorca, which amounts to 3.8 million euros.
As for the Island’s Heritage Department, 350,000 euros will be allocated to the Ses Fontanelles exhibition and 440,000 euros to the restoration of the Belén de la Sang (Nativity Scene of the Blood). For its part, the Crafts Department will earmark 300,000 euros for the creation of two distinctive features: the Crafts brand and the Mallorca Fashion brand. In addition, 40,000 euros will be earmarked for the Crafts Prizes.
The budget for Palma’s Teatro Principal has risen to 6.7 million euros, the Fundació Mallorca Literària to 1.5 million euros, and the Maritime Museum Consortium to 870,000 euros.
Environment, Rural Affairs and Sports
The area of Environment, Rural Affairs and Sports will have a budget of 38.8 million euros, 8% more than this year. Of particular note is the increase in the ‘Camina por Mallorca’ project to 2.2 million euros. Of this, 1.2 million euros will come from the ITS. Shelter management is up slightly, with a budget of 2,520,000 euros.
The Island Waste Directorate has created a new item of 500,000 euros for the adaptation of recycling centres. The Hunting Department will have a budget of 1.9 million euros, 9.4% more than in 2024.
Sports will have 6 million euros for sports facilities. Another highlight is the 500,000 euros earmarked for overnight stays for the elderly. In addition, there will be an increase of 200,000 euros in subsidies to sports federations, which will have a total budget of 2.1 million euros. The Mallorca Equestrian Institute will have a budget of 4.7 million euros, 18.8% more than in 2024.
Tourism will have 16.9 million euros at its disposal, 2.1% more than in 2024. It is worth highlighting the increase of 1.2 million euros in chapter 1 in order to be able to hire more staff for the sanctions service and to process files. The Department of Tourism has also requested 7.3 million euros from the Sustainable Tourism Tax for 2025: 1.3 million euros to combat illegal supply and 7 million euros to promote responsible tourism. In total, therefore, the Department will have an additional 2.5 million euros in 2025 to combat illegal supply.
On the other hand, the budget of the Mallorca Tourism Foundation is reduced by 1.4 million euros, i.e. 19% compared to 2024. The budget of the Consortium of the Tourist Accommodation Exchange is 2.1 million euros by 2025, 37.5% more.
Finance and Civil Service
The Department of Finance and the Civil Service will have a budget of 63.1 million euros, 2.7% more than this year. The budget allocation for the Mallorca Fire Department for 2025 is 34.1 million euros, 4.9% more than in 2024. It is worth highlighting the 3.4 million euros for the future Santanyí and Manacor fire stations.