The rules and the call for entries have already been published in the BOIB and the deadline for submitting works is 15th December.
The Department of Culture, Education, Youth and Sports of the Consell Insular de Menorca has presented this Thursday, 14th November, the poster for the XXII Premi Josep Vivó de glosa escrita for the year 2025.
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The XXII Premi Josep Vivó de glosa escrita arrives for the year 2025
The aim of this award is to stimulate literary creation, especially in the form of written glosses, a genre typical of Menorca’s popular culture, as well as to promote the knowledge and safeguarding of this element of the island’s intangible heritage among the Menorcan population, both adults and school-age children, encouraging the emergence of new glosa writers.
There are two modalities to participate in the competition:
– General modality: for people over 16 years of age with a single cash prize of 2,000 euros. The works must be presented individually, up to a maximum of 3.
– School modality: for pupils from 5th year of primary education to 4th year of secondary education. There will be one prize for primary school pupils and another for secondary school pupils, consisting of vouchers of 300 euros each to be exchanged for books, school materials or computer equipment. In addition, the school to which the winners belong will receive a prize consisting of a performance by a group included in the catalogue of the Consell Insular’s Menorca, Música i Teatre programme, chosen by the winners and on the date of their choice, with a maximum amount of 500 euros per concert. The works may be presented individually or in a group of a maximum of four people. Each group can present only one work.
The works must be written in Catalan, in the Menorcan language and must be unpublished. They must have the structure of the glosa (between six and eight words per glosa), and must contain a minimum of 15 glosas and a minimum of 50 in the general modality, and between 10 and 20 in the school modality. The subject matter is free, although it will be valued that they deal with a current Menorcan topic. They can be submitted on paper or on computer support, with a title and signed with a pseudonym.
The maximum total amount of the call for entries is 2,600 euros and the deadline for submitting applications to participate is 15 December 2024.
You can consult the complete rules, with the objective criteria that will be taken into account for the awarding of the prize and how to apply for the works that you wish to present through the official document of the BOIB attached.