Dr. Ana Isabel Cremades has been awarded for her teaching career and for implementing the ECOE test for all specialities at Son Espases.
Ana Isabel Cremades Mestre, coordinator of Continuing Medical Education and head of studies for Specialised Healthcare Training in the Balearic Islands, has received the 8th Mati Ezquerra 2024 award for Excellence in Specialised Healthcare Training in Spain for her teaching career and innovative work in implementing the objective structured clinical examination test (ECOE) for all specialities at Son Espases University Hospital. This is a procedure for assessing the competencies, skills and abilities of students who, when taking the test, have to face the usual clinical situations that occur in everyday medical professional development.
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The head of Specialised Healthcare Training in the Balearic Islands receives the 8th Mati Ezquerra award, the highest recognition at the national level
The Regional Minister of Health, Manuela García, congratulated Dr. Cremades ‘for this well-deserved recognition’ during the inauguration of the 9th Conference of Tutors at the Son Espases hospital. The councillor inaugurated the training sessions for resident tutors accompanied by the director general of the Servei de Salut, Javier Ureña, and the managing director of the reference hospital, Cristina Granados. Also present at the event was the deputy director of Training and Professional Organisation of the Ministry of Health, Tania Cedeño.
The award was presented by the president of the Spanish Society of Specialised Healthcare Training (SEFSE-AReDA), Maria Isabel González Anglada, within the framework of the VIII SEFSE-AReDA Congress and XX National Meeting of Tutors and Heads of Studies, held in Pamplona recently.
This award is the highest recognition for work in Specialised Healthcare Training awarded at the national level.
Ana Isabel Cremades Mestre, a specialist in Family and Community Medicine, has developed her entire healthcare activity in Hospital Emergency Departments. Dr. Cremades began her career in Specialised Healthcare Training as a hospital tutor for Family and Community Medicine residents in Mallorca at the Son Dureta University Hospital in 2006, a position she held until 2011. She has participated as a member of the Teaching Commission, both for Family and Community Medicine in Mallorca, since her appointment in 2011.
It should be noted that after assuming the presidency of the HUSE Teaching Committee, in 2012 he launched an innovative ECOE test for newly recruited residents, with a diagnostic and formative vision. Subsequently, each year has been incorporating a promotion to the test, and, 5 years later, has managed to implement it for all residents of all specialities accredited in the HUSE. It is a pioneering activity in Spain. This outstanding initiative was awarded at the SEFSE-AREDA congresses in 2013 and 2015.