The film, produced by IBDONA with the collaboration of the production company Mom Works and IB3, will be screened today at 7 p.m. at Palma’s CineCiutat (sold out).
The screenings will include a presentation by representatives of IBDONA and Mom Works.
The documentary ‘Pornography. Access and impact on adolescents’ will be screened this week for the first time on the four islands. This production of the Balearic Institute for Women (IBDONA), with the collaboration of the production company Mom Works and IB3, is part of the events of 25N and aims to deploy the actions derived from the IBDONA study ‘Pornography in the Balearic Islands, access and impact on adolescence, technological solutions to control or block’.
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The documentary ‘Pornography. Acceso e impacto en la adolescencia’ premieres in Menorca, Eivissa and Formentera
After its premiere this Tuesday in one of the CineCiutat cinemas in Palma (sold out), it can be seen in Menorca, Eivissa and Formentera: tomorrow, Wednesday, 27 November, in the Sala Polivalente Albert Camus (c. Sant Lluís, 58, Sant Lluís), on Thursday the 28th at the Teatro España (c. Sant Jaume 81, Santa Eulària del Riu) and on Friday in the Plenary Hall of the Formentera Day Centre (c. Venta des Brolls s/n, Sant Francesc Xavier). All events are at 7.00 pm, except Friday in Formentera, which will be at 5.00 pm.
The average age of onset of pornography consumption is 12 years old.
The study reflected shocking data, for example, that 90.5% of young people between 13 and 18 years of age in the Islands consume pornography and that the average age at which they start consuming it is 12 years old. The documentary takes this data as its starting point to delve into the causes and effects of this new reality, with the testimonies of adolescents and specialists who give voice to these phenomena. With rigour and sensitivity, they make a diagnosis of the current situation, highlighting aspects such as the new online pornography, consumption methods, access, the consequences in the affective and sexual spheres and, finally, technological, legislative and, above all, educational solutions.