The traffic regulation, organisation and surveillance measures will be in place from 15:00 on Thursday 5 December until midnight on Monday 9.
On Thursday 5 December at 15:00 hours, the special traffic regulation, organisation and surveillance measures that the Directorate General of Traffic (DGT) has prepared for the long weekend of the Constitution will begin and will be active until midnight on Monday 9 December.
This year, six autonomous communities have moved the Immaculate Conception holiday, which falls on a Sunday, to Monday, thus extending the public holidays. Specifically, Andalusia, Aragon, Asturias, Castile and Leon, Extremadura and Murcia will enjoy four days of rest and leisure and many citizens will take advantage of them to travel by road.
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The DGT forecasts 6.6 million journeys over the long weekend of the Constitution and the Immaculate Conception
According to the DGT, there will be 6.6 million long-distance road journeys over the next few days, which will affect roads destined for second homes, tourist resorts or cities with a Christmas tradition.
The traffic forecasts drawn up by the Traffic Department for the coming days predict that the greatest increases in traffic will take place both on Thursday afternoon, especially between 16:00 and 22:00, and on the morning of Friday 6th. On this day, as it is a public holiday, there will also be short journeys to leisure and recreation areas close to urban centres, returning in the early afternoon. A similar situation will also occur on Saturday.
On Sunday, the citizens of the Canary Islands, Cantabria, Castile-La Mancha, Catalonia, Valencia, Galicia, the Balearic Islands, Madrid, Navarre, the Basque Country and La Rioja will return from the long weekend, so the intensity of traffic on the roads leading to the major cities will increase, mainly from 15:00 hours and will last until midnight.
On Monday, 9 December, traffic will be as usual for movements in and out of cities, in the case of communities where this day is a working day. On the other hand, in those communities where it is a public holiday, there will be a return to the usual places of residence, which could cause traffic problems at the entrances to large urban centres.
For all these reasons, the DGT recommends, as always, exercising caution, respecting traffic regulations, planning journeys in advance and, if possible, avoiding the most unfavourable hours.
In any case, the DGT has up-to-date information on the traffic situation on the roads available to drivers via its website, the 011 information telephone number and the Traffic Information Service.
It should also be borne in mind that in the last part of the Special Operation the Magna procession is scheduled to be held in the city of Seville, which will concentrate a large number of journeys from different towns in Seville, as well as from other provinces of Andalusia to the city of Seville on 7 (afternoon) and especially 8 December, with special effects expected on the SE-30 road and main access roads to the capital. Drivers are advised to find out about the state of the roads before starting their journey and to use public transport as the preferred means of access.
At the service of the driver
To cover this operation and ensure that all planned movements are safe, Traffic has established a series of traffic regulation, organisation and surveillance measures for which it has the maximum availability of its human resources (agents from the Traffic Grouping of the Guardia Civil, personnel from the eight DGT Traffic Management Centres and personnel in charge of equipment maintenance and the installation of roadside measures, as well as emergency services personnel) and its technical resources, personnel from the eight DGT Traffic Management Centres and personnel in charge of equipment maintenance and the installation of roadside measures, as well as emergency services personnel), as well as its technical resources (fixed and mobile speed control radars, as well as helicopters, drones, cameras) to control compliance with traffic regulations.
In addition, in order to facilitate traffic flow in the most problematic areas, reversible and additional lanes will be installed by means of signage, markings and cones at peak traffic times, and alternative routes will be established.
Likewise, road works will be halted, sporting events and other events that involve the occupation of the road will be limited and the circulation of goods lorries in general and those transporting certain goods will be restricted on certain stretches, dates and at certain times.
The established arrangements can be consulted on the DGT website.
Driving tips
On long weekends, driving may have to be carried out under adverse weather conditions, such as snow, ice, fog, rain and wind.
Driving in this way not only increases nervous tension and visual fatigue, which leads to a decrease in attention, but also significantly alters the conditions in which traffic is carried out, as well as generating greater difficulties than those expected on the road journey.
The DGT, through the magazine Tráfico y Seguridad Vial (Traffic and Road Safety), has prepared a special issue on Winter Driving, which can be consulted on the DGT website.
As all these inconveniences can occur unexpectedly at any time during the journey, it is important to always bear in mind the two basic rules for driving, such as prevention and prudence, which will allow us to make the road trip in the best road safety conditions.
Basic recommendations from the DGT
Before setting off on your journey, have your car serviced to ensure that all the elements can withstand the most severe environmental conditions caused by low temperatures: brakes, lighting, tyres, etc. It is important to carry winter tyres, all-weather tyres or chains at this time of year.
Plan your trip along the safest route to avoid unforeseen events. Be informed of the state of the roads through the X accounts @informacionDGT and @DGTes with the hashtag #PuenteDeDiciembre, the news bulletins on radio and television, as well as the 011 telephone number.
Avoid distractions, put your mobile phone on aeroplane mode, wear your seat belt and securely fasten children in their child restraint systems, respect the speed established on the road and adapt it to the road conditions and, of course, do not get behind the wheel if you have consumed alcohol or other drugs.