President Prohens celebrates the Constitution as a framework for coexistence based on freedom and pluralism

Dec 7, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Portada, Post, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

‘We can celebrate with joy and pride that our Constitution is better than last year because today it is more respectful and more inclusive because today it recognises people with disabilities’.

In her speech, she highlighted article 47, which states that access to decent housing is a right and attributes to the administration the obligation to promote the necessary conditions and establish the relevant regulations to make it effective.

The President of the Government of the Balearic Islands, Marga Prohens, celebrated the Constitution as a framework for coexistence based on freedom and plurality. ‘The Magna Carta was born 46 years ago as a result of an exemplary transition,’ said the President, who also referred in her speech to the evolution of society and the Constitution.

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President Prohens celebrates the Constitution as a framework for coexistence based on freedom and pluralism

‘Today we can celebrate with joy and pride that our Constitution is better than last year because today it is more respectful and more inclusive because it recognises people with disabilities. Yes, to people with disabilities and not to anything else, she said.

The President referred to article 138.1, which establishes that the State guarantees the effective implementation of the principle of solidarity, ensuring the establishment of an adequate and fair economic balance between the different parts of the Spanish territory, paying particular attention to the circumstances of insularity. ‘This is exactly what the Government of these Islands defends and will defend about the necessary reform of the Autonomous Community Funding System’, she said.

In this sense, the President defended a system that does not renounce solidarity between autonomous communities, given the increase in population and the cost of living, and a system that takes insularity into account. ‘Because the fact of being an island is indeed a singularity recognised in the Constitution and not any other circumstance resulting from the political situation’, he said.

Prohens made this statement in her speech on the occasion of Constitution Day, which was celebrated with the institutional act in the Palau de l’Almudaina, where she also highlighted article 47, which enshrines that access to decent housing is a right and attributes to the administration the obligation to promote the necessary conditions and establish the relevant regulations to make it effective. This, he said, is what the government is doing, promoting these conditions. ‘But also in the defence of private property against illegal occupation’, he said.

He also referred to other challenges, such as the migration crisis. ‘Because we cannot look the other way when the conditions are no longer in place to receive the most vulnerable in dignified conditions, and that is why it is so important that each level of the administration assumes its respective competencies,’ she said.

To conclude her speech, the President of the Government of the Balearic Islands insisted that the Spanish Constitution allows us to look to the future with confidence and peace of mind: ‘We have a framework within which to understand each other, a framework in which to coexist, in which to move forward and face the challenges of the future, of the Balearic Islands and of Spain as a whole’, she concluded.