90% of the funds have been financed from the general state budget and the rest from the European Union’s agricultural crisis reserve, which represents unprecedented support for the agricultural sector.
The Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food has published a new and final resolution to grant aid to fruit and nut producers to compensate for the difficulties caused by the drought and the war in Ukraine. With this new resolution, the amount paid out for this extraordinary aid totals 82.24 million euros, of which 71,011 farmers have benefited.
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Agriculture finalises payment of extraordinary aid for the war in Ukraine
With this resolution, the payments to farmers and livestock farmers of the different lines of extraordinary aid that the Government has granted since May 2022 to farmers and livestock farmers to compensate for the difficulties caused by the war in Ukraine and the drought come to an end. In total, 1,364.9 million euros have been paid out of the 1,382.35 million euros budgeted, which represents a 98.7% execution rate.
This aid, which has benefited 659,490 farmers and stockbreeders, represents an unprecedented budgetary effort to support the agricultural sector. Ninety per cent of the aid has been financed from the general state budget and the remaining 10% from the European Union’s agricultural crisis reserve.
Of the seven lines of aid available, five have been managed by the Spanish Agricultural Guarantee Fund (FEGA), representing 85% of the total amount. This autonomous body of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food has processed the aid automatically, without the need for farmers and stockbreeders to apply for it, based on the data on areas and animals for which Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) aid is received.
At the moment, the processing of the appeals presented for the different lines of aid is continuing.
More information on extraordinary aid can be consulted on the FEGA website, including disaggregated data on amounts paid and number of beneficiaries by province and Autonomous Community for aid managed directly by the FEGA.