It has also organised an academic conference with the UIB on the works of Damià Huguet and Miquel Àngel Riera.

The vice-president and councillor of Culture, Heritage and Linguistic Policy of the Consell de Mallorca, Bel Busquets, and the director of the Fundació Mallorca Literària, Carme Castells, have presented at a press conference three literary cycles dedicated to Mercè Rodoreda, Miquel Àngel Riera and Damià Huguet and Guillem Frontera and the narrative of the 1970s. The cycles are carried out in collaboration with the Cultural Activities Service of the UIB, the Institute of Catalan Studies, the Rodoreda Foundation, the Association of Catalan Language Writers and the Toni Catany Foundation.

During the presentation, Busquets emphasised that “thanks to this collaboration, we have, in advance, an autumn dedicated to delving into different episodes of recent Catalan literary history, through initiatives of an informative and academic nature that aim to encourage study and research into our writers and their networks of personal and cultural relations, and at the same time contribute to the discovery and knowledge of the general public”.

Castells explained that the activities will take place in different locations, in Binissalem and Palma, and include an exhibition, conferences, academic sessions and other formats, such as a literary route or educational workshops. Among the activities, many of which are devoted to teaching and research, Castells highlighted the lectures that will focus on aspects such as the author’s epistolary relationships and, in particular, the novelistic tandem she formed with her contemporary Llorenç Villalonga.

Damià Pons spoke on behalf of the Institute of Catalan Studies, highlighting “the permanent relevance of Mercè Rodoreda’s texts and the progressive internationalisation of her work, which is being translated into more and more languages every year”.

Also taking part in the press conference was the Vice-Rector for Cultural Projection and Open University, Magdalena Brotons, who highlighted the fact that the cycle on Mercè Rodoreda, whose female characters have been highlighted throughout her work, can take place.

The exhibition “Mercè Rodoreda: 50 anys d’Aloma” will open to the public on Friday 1st October at the Casa Llorenç Villalonga, in Binissalem, where it will remain until 10th November. Then, from the 19th of November to the 22nd of December, it will be at the Sa Riera building in Palma.

The “Passió doble” (Double Passion) conference has been scheduled for the 28th of October, on the UIB campus (Ramon Llull building), as part of the commemoration of the 25th anniversary of the authors’ deaths.

With respect to the cycle “La narrativa de los 70” (“The narrative of the 1970s”), it includes a conference on the 5th and 6th of November at the Casa Llorenç Villalonga in Binissalem and also a monograph on Guillem Frontera on the 12th and 13th of November at the Sa Riera building.