Young researchers in the Balearic Islands are guaranteed a year’s employment

Dec 5, 2021 | Featured, Current affairs, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition, Uncategorized

The Government launches a programme to guarantee a year’s work for young researchers on the Balearic Islands
The SOIB launches an 18-million-euro action plan that will improve job opportunities for almost 1,400 people

The Government today presented the Next Generation Youth Plan, aimed at different profiles of young people, with a budget of almost 18 million euros and an innovative programme for hiring young researchers. With the approval of these measures, the aim is to reach a group of almost 1,400 beneficiaries.

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The Plan was presented today at the UIB by the President of the Government, Francina Armengol, in the presence of economic and social agents. The SOIB will be in charge of executing the measures which, in fact, represent a preview of the actions to be included in the next Quality Employment Plan 2022-2025, which is being finalised to be put into operation from the first quarter of next year.

The plan prioritises young people as the main beneficiaries, as this is one of the groups of people that has always been a priority in the actions and policies developed by the Government. Facilitating young people’s access to a first job is a key element for starting a working life in good conditions.

“Many young people have finished their studies and do not have a professional outlet, have been caught up in one crisis after another or have problems of emancipation”, said the president, who assured that, for this reason, they are a priority group for the Govern, which has already had several programmes in place since 2016 to promote youth employment.

As for the programmes being presented today, Armengol explained that “we are at the moment of coming out of a pandemic and not going back to 2019, but to go to a better situation and see what economic and social model we want after COVID19”. That is why “a very important part of the European funds will be dedicated to making a more diversified model possible, to innovation, health research and energy transition” and also to “dignifying research” with an innovative programme in the Islands for the recruitment of young researchers for one year.

Three Next Generation EU programmes

Three programmes are designed in this action plan, which is funded by the Next Generation EU Resilience and Recovery Mechanism and funds from the sectoral employment conference. SOIB Recerca is a programme that for the first time promotes the recruitment of young graduates who want to work in the world of research in different scientific fields. The beneficiaries will enjoy a 12-month work contract and the call is aimed at the UIB, research organisations and private companies that carry out research projects.

In addition, the call distributes the areas of interest in five blocks: health, ecological transition, green economy, digitisation of services and data engineering. Research projects aimed at social, cultural and artistic areas will also receive funding.

This programme has a budget of 4.77 million euros and aims to reach 151 young people. The aim is to encourage the incorporation of young graduates to carry out a research project in sectors and activities of interest to the Balearic Islands, so that the high level of training is passed on to society.

The second programme to be implemented is SOIB Joves Qualificats. This is an initiative that was already a leader in the Balearic Islands and was subsequently replicated in other autonomous communities, with a line to subsidise public contracts in entities of the instrumental public sector of the CAIB for young people aged between 16 and 29 who have completed their higher education.

The main objective is to enable these young people to acquire their first professional experience and socio-professional skills with a 12-month employment contract. The programme will run from 2022 to 2023, and has a budget of 7.21 million euros for the recruitment of 225 young graduates with university degrees, vocational training or professional certificates.

Finally, the third programme is for people from vulnerable groups, with the publication of a call for subsidies aimed at local entities, the third sector and non-profit organisations for projects to design or implement personalised itineraries of guidance and labour accompaniment, aimed at particularly vulnerable groups, understood as those with special difficulties in accessing the labour market, with a specific line for young people under 30 years of age and another for long-term unemployed people over 30 years of age.