The original text is from 2017 and aims to promote public policies and apply the gender and sexual diversity approach in international cooperation tools.
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It also commits to carry out programmes aimed at eradicating violence, discrimination and human rights violations based on sexual orientation and identity.
The Consell de Govern, at the request of the Department of Social Affairs and Sports, has ratified the Declaration of Mérida on the commitment of public institutions to the human rights of LGTBI people in the world. The aim of this declaration is to encourage both the promotion of public policies on the human rights of LGTBI people and the mainstreaming of the gender and sexual diversity approach in all the tools and instruments of international cooperation.
This Declaration was agreed and approved by the Plenary of the 6th Congress on International Cooperation and LGTBI Human Rights, organised by Fundación Triángulo in collaboration with the Extremadura Agency for International Cooperation, held in Mérida and Badajoz, from 8 to 11 March 2017. At that time, it was agreed to promote it with the subsequent adhesions of public, local, regional, state and supra-state institutions.
In addition to ratifying the Declaration, the Consell de Govern undertakes to carry out, within the framework of official development aid, programmes aimed at eradicating violence, discrimination and all human rights violations based on sexual orientation and identity, and to promote the empowerment of the LGTBI population of all people who have a sexual orientation and/or identity that suffers exclusion, violence or discrimination in countries around the world, prioritising the territories with the worst situation.
It also undertakes to incorporate the mainstreaming of the sexual diversity approach both in the institutional architecture as a whole and future master plans, strategies and protocols, as well as with the updating of the regulations governing cooperation policy. In addition to promoting the definition of indicators and criteria that make it possible to evaluate and incorporate the sexual diversity approach in cooperation plans, programmes and calls for proposals, it also wants to accompany the Government of Spain in the leadership of a global roadmap to be followed.
This leadership must promote the recognition of sexual diversity as a global public good and, in line with this, combat and eradicate any type of discrimination and violence suffered by LGTBI people and, in particular, lesbian, transsexual and bisexual women, given the situation of vulnerability that they present in different regions of the world.