The first aid under the nut restructuring plan will involve the planting of 530 hectares of almond and carob trees in the Balearics

Jul 3, 2022 | Current affairs, Featured, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

Agriculture manages 2.3 million euros of Next Generation funds for a total of 187 applications submitted

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The Regional Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food presented the results of the first year of the plan for the cultivation of almond and carob trees on Monday at the Nuts and Dried Fruit Round Table. This is a six-year plan (2021-2027), with six definitive objectives and specific measures, which aim to promote structural changes in the sector. The councillor, Mae de la Concha, took part in the meeting together with the director-general of Agriculture, Livestock and Rural Development, Fernando Fernández, the director-general of Food Sovereignty Policies, Aram Ortega, and the manager of FOGAIBA, Mateu Morro. Representatives of ASAJA, Unió de Pagesos de Mallorca, UPA-aia, Cooperativas Agroalimentarias de las Illes Balears, IGP Almendra de Mallorca, APAEMA, Camp Mallorquí, island councils, and companies from the sector attended.

One of the aims of the plan is to increase the area under almond and carob trees in order to recover 25% of the area of almond trees lost due to the effects of Xylella fastidiosa, as well as to increase almond and carob production. The first aid of the plan, aimed at this objective, was endowed with 2,321,000 euros from the Next Generation fund. This aid is currently being processed and involves the planting of 530 hectares of almond and carob trees in the Balearic Islands. In the case of almond trees, 88 hectares have been requested, 20 of which are irrigated. A total of 14,862 trees have been requested for planting, replacement of failures and compliance with minimum densities. In relation to the carob tree, 442 hectares will be planted, of which 66 hectares are irrigated, representing 75,801 trees for planting. According to councillor De la Concha, “we are satisfied with the results of this first aid plan, which will allow the sector to evolve and become more modern and competitive”.

A total of 187 applications have been submitted and the average investment per project is 16,981.30 euros. A maximum of 75% of the requested amount is subsidised. There are 50 applications for machinery, 85 applications for land preparation, replanting and new plantations, 28 applications for investments in irrigation facilities, 66 applications for investments in rainfed facilities and 5 applications for professional expenses.

During the meeting, the different objectives and measures of the plan were reviewed. According to the Director-General of Agriculture, Livestock and Rural Development, Fernando Fernández, “this first year of the plan has seen a lot of progress, a lot of work has been done on research and, therefore, the balance is positive”.

Nuts within the new CAP

The new Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) for the period 2023-2027 will compensate for the insularity of the Balearic Islands’ agricultural and livestock sector. The nut sector will also benefit. There are currently 15,289.62 hectares of nuts and dried fruit declared in the Balearic Islands (14,406.81 ha in Mallorca and 882.81 ha in Eivissa and Menorca). The average value of the entitlement for the crop in Mallorca was 115.71 euros/ha, and in Eivissa and Menorca, 78.41 euros/ha. For the next CAP period, the average value of the entitlement (what is received per hectare) will be 188.64 euros/ha. In the case of Mallorca, therefore, 72.93 euros more per hectare, and in the case of Menorca and Eivissa, 110.23 euros more per hectare. Furthermore, it should be borne in mind that the new CAP includes a redistributive payment for small and medium-sized farms in the Balearic Islands. Those with less than 5.53 hectares will receive 37.73 euros/ha, and for those between 5.53 and 23 hectares, 75.45 euros/ha.

In the case of aid associated with nuts, there are also new features for Balearic farmers. The amount per hectare will be 130.59 euros/ha, while the national average is 69.46 euros/ha. This aid will go to nut producers in areas at risk of desertification, with specific requirements regarding density, surface area, type of crops and slope of the land. Up to 6,745.59 hectares could benefit.

Finally, the new CAP also provides for eco-schemes, those practices that are beneficial to the environment. Nut crops will be able to benefit the entire eligible area, whether or not they have basic payment entitlements, and whether or not they receive associated payments. These are, for example, spontaneous or sown vegetation covers on woody crops, or covers with pruning residues. The amount varies according to the slope of the land. In the case of the Balearic Islands, it can be as much as 263.86 euros/ha, while the amount on the mainland can be as low as 175.86 euros/ha.

The aid for organic farming in the Balearic Islands will be 171.60 euros/ha, and for integrated farming it will be 138 euros/ha.