The budget for rural development aid for the Balearic Islands will increase by 6% for the period 2023-2027

Oct 7, 2022 | Current affairs, Featured, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition, Uncategorized

The budget for aid from the Rural Development Programme (RDP) for the Balearic Islands for the coming period 2023-2027 will increase by 6% compared to the current period. This is a total of 144,436,895.66 euros for five years, i.e. 28,887,379.13 euros per year. During the period 2014-2022, the total public expenditure was 22,867,438.72 euros per year. The RDP is funded by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD), the fund of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food and the Regional Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. The European contribution represents almost 40% and is the same as in the previous period. The rest of the contribution, from the ministry and the community, has almost doubled.

Rural development

Of the total committed expenditure, 20.77% corresponds to the line of investments in farms, 12.12% to the line for young farmers, 34.18% to the lines referring to environmental commitments and 29.48% to the rest of the investments. The LEADER line will receive 6.1% of the EAFRD, 1.1% more than the CAP regulation.

In relation to the line of investments in farms, 30 million euros will be allocated over the 5 years, i.e. 6 million euros per year. Up to now, the programmed expenditure was 4.2 million euros per year. This line of support is aimed at professional and priority farms that present projects to improve competitiveness, modernisation, adaptation to climate change and innovation.

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The committed expenditure for the young farmers’ line is ¤17.5 million over 5 years, ¤3.5 million per year. It will be complemented by a pilot line to support farm succession between retired farmers and young farmers of EUR 200,000 per year. The programmed expenditure for organic farming between 2023-2027 will be 15.5 million euros, 3.1 million euros per year. So far, the contribution to organic farming has been 2 million euros per year.

The new RDP also foresees new agri-environmental measures totalling 2.5 million euros more per year, such as the biological control line, the use of reclaimed water, animal welfare and biosolarisation for the control of nematodes and fungi.

The new Rural Development Programme (RDP) also provides for the rest of the traditional measures, such as the integrated production line, non-productive investments (margins), the prevention of forest risk fires and investments in processing and marketing.