Lorena Varea, with the work Cuando no duela recordarte, first prize in the Art Jove 2022 Comic Art Competition.

Oct 21, 2022 | Current affairs, Featured, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition, Uncategorized

\ Riquer, by Aitor Holgado, and Hostel el gran azul, by Marina Victoria Zapata, second and third prizes.

\ For the first time in the history of Art Jove, two women are among the winners of the competition.

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The graphic work Cuando no duela recordarte (When it doesn’t hurt to remember you), by Lorena Varea, has been chosen as the winner of the Comic Competition of the 2022 Art Jove Cultural Programme organised by the Balearic Regional Ministry of Social Affairs and Sports, through the Balearic Youth Institute (IBJOVE). Riquer, by Aitor Holgado, and Hostel el gran azul, by Marina Victoria Zapata, are the second and third prize winners respectively.

For the first time in the history of Art Jove, two women are among the winners of the competition.

Lorena Varea

The first prize, for Lorena Varea, is endowed with 2,000 euros, although the winner will also receive an additional 2,000 euros as an advance on royalties to develop a monographic comic. In addition, another 2,000 euros will be used to pay for the publication of this comic with a publishing house chosen by the winner, if necessary. The second prize, for Aitor Holgado, is worth 750 euros, and the third prize, for Marina Victoria Zapata, is worth 250 euros.

The winners were announced this Thursday by the director of IBJOVE, Tià Lliteres, during the inauguration of the exhibition of the 7 finalists of the competition on Paseo de El Born, in Palma, which can be visited until 10th January 2023, as part of the programme of the Còmic Nòstrum International Comic Festival of Mallorca, organised by the Clúster de Còmics y Nuevos Media de Mallorca, with the collaboration of Palma City Council.

The jury, chaired by Juan Roig, director of the Còmic Nòstrum Festival, and made up of the cartoonist Marga Vinyes, the director of Dolmen Editorial, Vicente García, and the winner of the previous edition of this competition, Tomeu Riera, had selected seven finalists from among the fifteen entries submitted, whose works are also on display. The other finalists are: Mara’s Heart (el cor de Mara), by José Antonio Menes; Black Map, by Elisabet Piris and Diana Piris; No m’agrada aquesta ciutat, by Jaume Vadell; and Docente por sorpresa, by Jaume Font.

This year, the Art Jove Cultural Programme has 50,000 euros in prizes in eight competitions: Visual Arts; Contemporary Dance; Short Films; Short Story; Music for Young Performers, in the Chamber Ensembles category; Fashion Design; Product Design and the Comic Competition.