The Government will raise the salaries of public workers in the Balearic Islands by an additional 1.5% this year and by 2.5% in 2023.

Oct 28, 2022 | Current affairs, Featured, Post, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition, Uncategorized

The minimum annual salaries of instrumental public sector staff will be brought into line with those of the labour staff.

By 2023, a variable 1% must be added, which will be linked to the CPI and GDP, according to the conditions set by the state budgets.

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The President of the Government of the Balearic Islands, Francina Armengol, has signed with the trade unions the increase in salaries for the workers of the Autonomous Community for this year and for 2023.

Four agreements have been adopted today by the General Board of Public Employees and the General Board of the Instrumental Public Sector.

President Francina Armengol has framed the agreements within the current crisis scenario, with inflation soaring due to the war in Europe and after having spent “very hard years” due to the pandemic. “We have saved this situation of enormous difficulty for COVID-19 thanks to the efforts of society as a whole, but especially thanks to public workers, who in times of difficulty have given not 100%, but 200% of themselves to better serve citizens. Without strong foundations for public services it would have been impossible to get through this situation”, said the president, who added that “the best way to thank them for their efforts is to continue with collective bargaining to strengthen the working conditions of the people who make these public services possible”.

Francina Armengol highlighted the “complex and complicated time we are living through. We have been hit by COVID, a terrible war between Russia and Ukraine, and high inflation”, which is why the President of the Balearic Islands has defended the need to “improve the salaries of our public workers because life is much more expensive”. “This is the discourse that we put forward and apply, what we say is what we do as a public administration, and we hope that this will also be applied in the private sphere,” she concluded.

Specifically, an additional increase of 1.5% has been agreed with the trade unions UGT, CCOO, FSES and SIMEBAL (more than 65% support) for this year, with effect from 1 January 2022. In the case of the public sector, payment will be made by 30 November this year, and the increase for the months of January to October will be paid as arrears. In the case of the instrumental public sector, voted by UGT, CCOO and USO (70% support for the agreements), the payment will be made, provided that the budget availability of the entity allows it, before 30 November 2022 and, in any case, before 31 December 2022. In total, the increase in remuneration for 2022 will be 3.5%.

As for 2023, and with the support of the trade unions UGT, CCOO, FSES and SIMEBAL, an increase in basic and supplementary salaries of 2.5% has been approved, the same amount that will be approved by the State through the State Budget Law. This increase is for all civil servants, statutory and labour staff of the Autonomous Community Administration.

Also for 2023, and as a novelty, an increase of an extra 1 % variable according to the conditions established in the General State Budget Law is foreseen. The 0.5% would be linked to the CPI and the remaining 0.5% would be linked to GDP.

In addition, an important agreement for the instrumental public sector is included, which the trade unions UGT, CCOO and USO have voted in favour of, whereby the Government undertakes to carry out the necessary regulatory modifications so that the minimum annual remunerations of the personnel of the instrumental public sector are brought into line with the minimum annual remunerations applicable to the labour personnel of the general services of the CAIB of the same classification group.

Finally, and despite it being an agreement adopted last year, it should be remembered that as of 1 January public workers will also recover the 2% reduction in complementary remuneration applied in 2020.

The 46,454 public servants of the Autonomous Community Administration will be beneficiaries. Thus, an administrative assistant will receive around 72 euros more per month, while a senior technician will receive approximately 127 euros more per month.