The Consell de Mallorca premieres ‘Mirall de Terra’, a documentary about olive ‘collidores’.

Nov 2, 2022 | Current affairs, Featured, Post, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition, Uncategorized

Free admission to the screening on the 4th of November at the Teatro Principal in Inca at 7.30 p.m.

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The Consell de Mallorca premieres the documentary ‘Mirall de Terra’, which tells the story of the olive ‘collidores’ through 5 witnesses. Catalina Nicolau (Biniamar), Bel Seguí (Campanet), Francisca Suau (Bunyola), Francisca Marí (Es Capdellà) and Antònia Cerdà (Montuïri). All of them, from an early age or at a very young age, spent periods of time working on the Serra de Tramuntana estates. Harvesting takes place during the coldest months of the year. From November to January, according to the agricultural calendar, is the time to harvest the fruit of the olive tree. The documentary also features Manel Suárez, son, grandson and nephew of olive harvesters and author of the book La huelga de las cosechadoras de aceituna de Calvià en 1932, published by Lleonard Muntaner, which explains how seventy women who harvested olives in this municipality called a strike that lasted a week to demand equal pay for the sexes.

The labour relations, but also the relations between them, the hardness of the work, the songs and many personal anecdotes build in the documentary a collective portrait that allows to know better the figure of the olive harvester. Island Councillor for Territorial Planning Maria Antònia Garcías recalled that the ‘collidores’ have been recognised by the Consell de Mallorca with the 2021 Medal of Honour and Gratitude “for their strength, their generosity and all that they have contributed to the conservation and maintenance of the Serra de Tramuntana. A territory that has been a World Heritage Site for 11 years now, thanks to the work of people like them.

Garcías also stressed “the importance of not erasing their history from our memory, as they are an example from which we can learn a great deal. In this sense, she pointed out that in addition to this informative documentary, work is being carried out to collect witnesses in the different municipalities.

The island institution began a campaign to research women harvesters in June of this year and has already located more than 200 women. The island’s institution began a campaign of research into women harvesters in June of this year, and has already located more than 200 women. The events took place in the municipalities of Campanet, Puigpunyent, Fornalutx, Bunyola, Sóller and Banyalbufar.

The documentary ‘Mirall de Terra’, directed by Cris Monge and produced by the WhiteStudio production company, will be shown on the 4th of November at 7:30 p.m. at the Teatro Principal in Inca. Admission is free. Invitations can be obtained through the Teatro Principal de Inca website and can also be booked at the Departament de Territori by calling 971 21 98 89.