Spain’s water reserve is at 32.4 per cent of its total capacity. The reservoirs currently store 18,158 cubic hectometres (hm³) of water, increasing in the last week by 120 cubic hectometres (0.2 per cent of the current total capacity of the reservoirs).
The reserve by area is as follows:
Eastern Cantabrian is at 61.6%.
Western Cantabrian at 56.1%.
Miño-Sil at 44.6%.
Galicia Coast at 56.7%.
Internal basins of the Basque Country at 61.9%.
Duero at 33.1%.
Tagus at 37.3%.
Guadiana at 23%.
Tinto, Odiel and Piedras at 63.8%.
Guadalete-Barbate at 21.5%.
Guadalquivir at 18.6%.
Andalusian Mediterranean Basin at 35.3%.
Segura at 32.8%.
Júcar at 52%.
Ebro at 35%.
Internal basins of Catalonia at 35.3%.
Rainfall has affected the Atlantic slope and has been scarce on the Mediterranean slope. The maximum was in San Sebastián – Donostia with 38.2 mm (38.2 l/m²).
The situation of the basins, in cubic hectometres, is detailed in the following table: