The environment in the Balearic Islands programmes more than twenty events for the European Week for Waste Prevention

Nov 20, 2022 | Current affairs, Featured, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The Director General of Waste and Environmental Education, Sebastià Sansó, took part this morning in the presentation of the 7th Creative Recycling Marathon organised by the Deixalles Foundation and the Balearic Islands School of Art and Design, with the collaboration of the Regional Ministry of the Environment and Territory, among other institutions.

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This is the seventh year that the marathon has been held with the aim of raising awareness among citizens and clothing designers about the environmental impact of the textile industry on the environment. The activity, which will take place on 12 December at the Flassaders Centre, consists of designing garments with textile material from a selective collection.

Sansó welcomed the organisation of events such as the Marathon because, “thanks to the reuse of material that would otherwise end up in the rubbish bin, it is possible to make new pieces, and this makes it possible to reduce not only waste but also all the environmental pollution associated with microplastics”. He also pointed out that “in the Balearic Islands, under the Waste Law, municipalities are obliged to collect the textile fraction separately. It should be remembered that in 2021 textile waste accounted for 8% of the weight of municipal waste generated in the Balearic Islands”.

It is precisely the textile industry that is the focus of the European Week for Waste Prevention, which starts this coming Saturday and will last until the 27th. The clothing sector is considered to be one of the most polluting sectors due to its use of land, and water pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.

The Conselleria de Medi Ambient i Territori promotes activities throughout the week under the European theme ‘Circular and sustainable fashion. Until the 27th, the Directorate General of Waste and Environmental Education has scheduled workshops in twenty schools, family activities in 14 municipalities in Mallorca and participation in various conferences and events related to waste management, such as participation in the National Environmental Congress, the technical conferences of the National Association of Public Environmental Companies (ANEPMA), as well as information tables.