Las preposiciones stages a play about harassment and abuse of power in Palma

Dec 6, 2022 | Current affairs, Featured, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

This play by Aina de Cós opens on Friday in the Sala Petita of Palma’s Teatro Principal in Palma

On Friday the 9th of December, Palma’s Teatro Principal will premiere the play Les preposicions, an original text by Aina de Cos, directed by Marta Aran. The play is a co-production of the Teatro Principal with El Somni Produccions. In addition to Friday 9 December (8 p.m.), it will also be performed on Saturday 10 (8 p.m.) and Sunday 11 (6 p.m.). All performances will take place in the theatre’s Sala Petita.

Aina de Cos, as well as being the author, is also one of the performers in the play, along with Alexandra Palomo, Alicia Garau, Marga López and Sofía Muñiz.

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The play was presented by Bel Busquets, first vice-president and councillor of Culture, Heritage and Linguistic Policy of the Consell de Mallorca; Josep R. Cerdà, director of the Teatro Principal; Marta Aran, director of the production; and Aina de Cos, author.

During the presentation, Busquets emphasised the feminine and feminist nature of the production. “Palma’s Teatro Principal is once again programming a co-production with the intention of bringing to the stage some of the creative and interpretative talent we have in Mallorca. In this case, with the play Las preposiciones. A play written by a woman, directed by a woman and with five actresses who put on stage the vital circumstances that women can have once they are over forty years old”.

Josep R. Cerdà highlighted “the fact of premiering a contemporary text, and, moreover, by a woman”. The director of the Teatre Principal wanted to highlight “the extraordinary moment that contemporary text theatre is experiencing in the Balearic Islands, and which speaks of current and topical issues”.

For her part, the author explained that “Las preposiciones talks about harassment and abuse of power. But it also speaks of friendship, of the passing of time, of five real women who share a common past and are building, each one as best she can, her path towards professional and personal fulfilment, each with her own baggage”.

De Cos explained that the origin of the text is to be found in some events that she experienced in her student days “in a higher education centre at the hands of a teacher” which involved “violent acts that leave no mark” and which remained latent within her for many years.

It was when similar events were made public in other higher education centres, both in Catalonia and in the Balearic Islands, that Aina de Cos decided to write Las preposiciones.

It is worth remembering that after the performance on Saturday 10 December there will be a Principal Plus colloquium where the audience will be able to share opinions and experiences with the artistic team.