Environment regulates public use and guarantees ecological connectivity in one of Ibiza’s most frequented natural areas

Dec 7, 2022 | Current affairs, Featured, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

\ The Nature 2000 Management Plan for the West Coast of Ibiza consolidates the urban protection in force in the current Island Territorial Plan.

\ The Conselleria has declared more than 30,000 hectares of special conservation areas this term of office.

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The Consell de Govern has approved the Natura 2000 Management Plan for the West Coast of Ibiza, which includes five protected areas of the European ecological network that will become Special Areas of Conservation (SAC).

ES0000078 Es Vedrà – es Vedranell
ES5310023 Islotes de poniente de Eivissa (Western Islets of Eivissa)
ES5310031 Porroig
ES5310032 Cap Llentrisca – sa Atalaya
ES5310104 West coast of Eivissa

It should be remembered that the SACs es Vedrà – es Vedranell and the western islets of Ibiza already had the category of Special Protection Area for Birds (SPA).

The Ibiza Management Plan covers a total of 7,651.79 hectares, both terrestrial and marine, located in the municipality of Sant Josep de sa Talaia. It also incorporates an ecological corridor to connect the Cap Llentrisca – sa Talaia and Porroig SACs. This is a 100-metre strip on both sides of the bed of the s’Aigua torrent that will guarantee ecological connectivity between the two protected areas, favour biodiversity, facilitate the movement of fauna, increase the immigration rate of individuals of species sensitive to habitat fragmentation and reduce the isolation of local populations. Among other ecological values, this torrent is a feeding or breeding area for the only subspecies of mammal endemic to Ibiza (Genetta genetta , subspecies Isabelae) and for numerous species of Community interest such as the peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus) or the calapet (Bufotes balearicus).

In terms of biodiversity protection, the creation of two new marine reserves (ses Bledes and es Vedrans) by the Directorate General for Fisheries and the Marine Environment is also envisaged, as well as the drawing up of biosecurity protocols for the islets aimed at preventing the arrival and dispersal of rodents, ophidians and other non-native vertebrates with predatory and invasive potential.

The Management Plan prohibits the construction of isolated single-family dwellings and consolidates the urban protection in force in the current Territorial Plan of Eivissa. With regard to the regulation of public use, it prohibits parking outside the marked parking areas and determines which of the current car parks can be regularised (with a maximum period of three years) and which must disappear. A catalogue of paths in the ZEC will be created, defining the typologies of paths according to the type of traffic permitted.

The drafting of the Management Plan has been carried out in various participatory workshops attended by technicians from the affected administrations (Island Council and the town councils of Sant Josep and Sant Antoni), the nature reserves of des Vedrà, es Vedranells and the islets of Ponent, environmental agents, local naturalists and GEN-GOB, with which the Directorate General for Biodiversity signed an agreement to promote co-governance in protected natural areas.

This is the sixth Natura 2000 Network Management Plan to be approved this term of office. Between them, they cover a surface area of 30,166 hectares, which have been given the category of Special Area of Conservation (SAC).