The Health Service Equality Plan for Women and Men approved

Dec 7, 2022 | Current affairs, Featured, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

\ The document was ratified at the Health Sector Roundtable on 18 November.

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\ The Plan is applicable to all workers who work in the Health Service

The Governing Council has approved the 1st Plan for Equality between Women and Men of the Health Service of the Balearic Islands 2022-2026, which aims to guarantee equality within the organisation and eliminate discrimination on the grounds of sex. The document was ratified by the Health Sector Roundtable on 18 November.

The Health Service’s 1st Plan for Equality between Women and Men has six general objectives:

  • Promote and implement the gender perspective in the entity’s human resources.
  • To promote equal access to training and to raise awareness and provide information on gender equality.
  • To promote, encourage and raise awareness of the reconciliation of personal, family and working life.
  • Determine and implement the necessary measures with a gender perspective to guarantee the occupational health of staff.
  • Define and implement the appropriate procedures to deal with situations of special protection, such as violence against women or sexual harassment.
  • Consolidate the gender perspective transversally throughout the Health Service.

This Plan is applicable to all employees working in the Health Service, regardless of the legal relationship defined in this relationship and the position they occupy within the organisation.

A monitoring committee, made up of representatives of both the Administration and the workers, will draw up periodic reports to check the implementation of the measures and the fulfilment of the objectives.