IMAS recognises the work of individuals, companies and associations that dedicate time and resources to help young people

Dec 8, 2022 | Current affairs, Featured, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The president Sofía Alonso thanked them for their generosity and stressed that “you are key for children and adolescents to enjoy experiences in a family environment and contribute to their emotional wellbeing”.

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The councillor for Social Rights and president of the Mallorcan Institute of Social Affairs (IMAS), Sofia Alonso, and the island’s director of Childhood and Family Affairs, Maria Ángeles Fernández, presided over a ceremony to recognise the people who participate in the VOLUMEN volunteer programme, which this year celebrates its 15th anniversary and contributes to facilitating the social integration of children and adolescents under protective measures.

During the event, they thanked the 35 people who currently participate as volunteers in this programme and share their leisure time with the children and young people who live in residential centres in Mallorca. Recognition was also given to the representatives of a dozen associations and companies that dedicate, also completely altruistically, their resources to carry out or facilitate activities for all young people, complementing the activities organised by the centres themselves.

The IMAS VOLUMEN volunteer programme was set up in 2007 with the aim of enabling all children and adolescents in residential care to enjoy activities appropriate to their age, to benefit from living with other people in a normalised environment and to grow emotionally in a positive atmosphere. During these 15 years, more than 625 children and adolescents have enjoyed the VOLUMEN programme.

“We work to ensure that all children and adolescents have as normal a life as possible and their generosity is key to achieving this. Going to the cinema, going on an outing, watching a game… these are some of the activities they share and which may seem simple, but for the young people living in the residential centres they provide them with a very positive emotional plus for their growth as people. You make it easier for them to enjoy family experiences like any other young person of their age and to establish healthy and positive bonds with people who are sensitive to their situation”, said the president of IMAS.

A total of 35 families currently participate as volunteers in the programme. Anyone who has time to dedicate to these children and would like to be part of this volunteer programme can request information on the free telephone number 900 100 444.

The island’s director Mari Ángeles Fernández explained that “sometimes there are people who would like to be foster families and who cannot due to lack of availability, although they are ideal for being part of the lives of these youngsters on weekends or holidays. Participating in this volunteer programme allows them to contribute to the well-being of all the children and adolescents living in the centres. Thanks to them, they can all carry out other complementary activities to those carried out in the centres”.

IMAS prioritises that all children and young people under protective measures have the opportunity to live with a family while working on reunification with their parents. However, sometimes they must reside temporarily in a centre where work is done to provide them with a protective environment and to encourage collaboration and participation in alternative activities. There are currently 379 young people in IMAS residential centres, most of whom are able to enjoy outings with their families, those who are unable to do so with volunteers from the VOLUMEN programme.