The prior authorisation to sign the agreement between the State and the Autonomous Community in electoral matters is approved.

Dec 13, 2022 | Current affairs, Featured, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

\ The agreement is necessary, given that regional, island and local elections are to be held on 28 May in the Balearic Islands.

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\ The aim of this agreement is to standardise technical criteria, increase effectiveness and efficiency and optimise resources.

On Monday, the Consell de Govern approved the prior authorisation agreement for the signing of the agreement between the General State Administration and the Administration of the Autonomous Community of the Balearic Islands on electoral management for the elections of 28 May 2023.

In terms of the electoral system, we find ourselves with competencies recognised both by the State and the Autonomous Communities. That is why it is considered appropriate and necessary to establish collaboration to contribute to greater efficiency and effectiveness in electoral matters, through the standardisation of technical criteria, the optimisation of resources and the exchange of information in electoral processes. This Agreement is necessary insofar as a regional, island and municipal elections coincide.

The Agreement is signed, specifically, between the Ministry of the Interior and the Regional Ministry of the Presidency, Public Function and Equality, given that article 3.2.a) of Decree 11/2021, of 15 February, of the President of the Balearic Islands, establishes that the General Secretariat of this Regional Ministry assumes the organisation of the regional electoral processes.

The Agreement regulates, among other things, how the cost of the per diems of the members of the electoral months is distributed, which in this case are shared; the transfer by the Ministry of the ballot boxes and booths; and how the institutional campaigns of the elections are to be organised.