Worker Cooperatives from all over Spain will meet in Menorca next March

Dec 15, 2022 | Current affairs, Featured, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The UCTAIB – Union of Worker Cooperatives of the Balearic Islands – is already preparing the event that will bring together cooperatives from all over Spain in Menorca, associated with COCETA, the organisation that represents more than 17,000 worker cooperatives in Spain and which is present as an organisation in the Economic and Social Council of Spain and in the Council for the Promotion of the Social Economy of the Ministry of Labour and Social Economy, among other bodies. Cristina Gómez, Councillor for Employment, Housing and Local Cooperation has received the Island Council of Menorca in Malena Riudavets, president of the UCTAIB and vice president of COCETA, and Catibel de la Fuente, head of the UCTAIB Orientation Department, for working on aspects of the meeting, among other issues.

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The meeting of cooperatives will be held on Thursday 30 and Friday 31 March 2023 and will have sustainability as a common thread, taking advantage of the thirtieth anniversary of the designation of Menorca as a Biosphere Reserve in 1993 by UNESCO and also the recognition of Marine Biosphere Reserve in 2020 with the incorporation of the marine area surrounding the entire island, from the coast to 12 miles offshore. Underwater Life will be the main focus of the programme of meetings and experiences that will take place at the meeting of cooperatives under the umbrella of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda, with special attention to goal number 14, Underwater Life, number 11, Urban Agenda, and number 17, Partnerships.